USARB Nationals 1st day US Open Final Results

2nd Day of Nationals Finals for LV and US Springer

Morning LV Finals:


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Top Five in HV

1) Ron Silveria, 250-10x, 247-8x, 250-14x, 747-32x, TM-1000

2) Mike Niksch, 250-15x, 246-11x, 245-11x, 741-37x, Thomas

3) Doug Miller, 248-12x, 243-9x, 248-x, 739-28x, Thomas

4) Linzie Boise, 248-11x, 243-4x, 244-5x, 735-20x, Thomas

5) Paul Bendix, 249-14x, 241-8x, 244-6x, 734-28x, Thomas

Will post final comments and all scores in a few days.



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Way To Go Ron

Well, on this weekend in Oxnard, California at the 2015 USARB National Championships, it should be clear who was the best of the best.

USA Open - 3rd place
Light Varmint - 1st place
Heavy Varmint - 1st place

Congratulations, Ron.

Beyond this small gesture, let me say that it has been a privilege to have your counsel and advise for all of these years, thank you.
Ron kicked some ass in HV...outstanding shooting with a pair of 250's.

The world should know that Dick Strever won LV class, but was ultimately disqualified for being overweight. He was 1/10th of a pound over. He could have easily shed the extra weight prior to shooting, but he thought he was ok. He will, no doubt, be more careful to be under next time. Great shooting, Dick!

Yes, we had a similar situation at our regional championship this year. It is a difficult situation for everyone involved, especially when there is placement. Unfortunately, the numbers are what they are and that's indisputable, even if it's close. It's great that in this situation, the competitor was a gentleman. It is a testament to the individual as well as to the sport. Bravo. Tip of the hat. You have earned my respect.
We had a similar situation

This year at out IR 50/50 State match. The shooter was a gentleman but some of the other folks who participate in the Org. were not, which made for an ugly mess. Unfortunate, but as was stated, the numbers are what they are. It was good to witness this one going the way it went.
