USA vs Canada

R. Rains

New member
Well Boys and Girls, here it goes,

I have had something bothering me since the IBS Nationals, something which I find to be offensive to this red-blooded American, and hopefully many others as well.

I am tired of those that are trying to degrade the American public and take away our Constitutional rights, and disrespect this GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS.

For all you Canadian fellow Benchrest Shooters, please do not take this the wrong way, as I love you as brothers and sisters and I always will. I think you will feel the same way as I do when I am done expressing my feelings.

I am always the first one to go out of my way to try and help and improve our sport, but I was disgraced every morning before the match started, at the IBS Nationals this year.

I am not sure who is responsible for this, and I would hope that it would never happen again, especially in the USA at a National Event.

Every morning before we started shooting they played the National Anthem, which I think is AWESOME, and when you are in the USA, the United States National Anthem should ALWAYS be played FIRST, before you play any other Anthem, but for some unknown reason every morning they decided instead, to play the Canadian National Anthem FIRST, then the United States National Anthem, and in my book this is a NO, NO, and a BIG DISGRACE and embarrassment for ANY red blooded AMERICAN!

If I was in Canada shooting the IBS Nationals, then by all means definitely play the Canadian National Anthem first, but for God's sake we were in the Good Ole USA and they played the Canadian National Anthem first!! What the hell is wrong with this picture?!?!?!?!

Again, all my fellow Canadian Benchrest shooters you know that I like and respect you all, and enjoy tipping one back with all of you "A", and as I know the great respect that you have for your Country, you can totally understand where I'm coming from, and if you don't, then shame on you.

From my understanding things will be different at Holton next year, and if there is any way I can possibly be of any assistance, please do not be bashful or hesitate to ask, but maybe after this post, you won't want to.

Russell Rains

PS, In the IBS Schedule it was written the top 5 shooters would receive wood, but in fact it was only the top 3, 4 and 5 received paper.
USA Vs Canada

I agree with you Russell.
IBS certainly needs some changes. The directors are responsible for trophy,s though.
I can't see any reason not awarding enough wood , especially with the entry fees being as high as they are.
sporting events - anthems

In many sporting events I attend - they play the visitors anthem first.

Regardless, nice to see the Canadian anthem played - thank you for that.

Play them in whatever order works best!
Well Don I did a little homework myself and it appears that I am just one of those Dum Red Blooded Americans that just did not know any better.

Sorry about my Human error.

Signing off as a DSOB.


They are played on national holidays and festivals, and have also come to be closely connected with sporting events. During sporting competitions, such as the Olympic Games, the national anthem of the gold medal winner is played at each medal ceremony; also played before games in many sports leagues, since being adopted in baseball during World War II.[7] When teams from two different nations play each other, the anthems of both nations are played, the host nation's anthem being played last.
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USA Vs Canada

I agree' The US flag always comes FIRST and always will. And you mentioned the trophy awards There should be whats advertised , no excuses to some people it very important.

PS I've served it'''
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Watch out for the Canadians

I don't care whose anthem goes first but I would like to inject a note of caution about Canadians. Don't mess with these people. This is a country whose national pastime is not video games but polar bear tipping. They go outside to pee in -50 degree weather when water freezes before it hits the ground. It gives a whole new level to the old urban myth of the wet tongue on a frozen light pole. They are so pale that they can blind you with the reflected sunlight off their skin. That is just one of their weapons. Another is Canadian beer. Both are equally deadly. Remember what happened in some of our larger cities when they had black outs for a couple days. Up there in the winter its like that for months at a time. They don't get tattoos. They get scars from things like wolverine attacks. Also, remember who is their most famous celebrity. That's right, Big foot. Oh he may hang around Idaho, particularly around BAT machine but he is a Canadian through and through. You can tell in the few photos taken of him because he is always clutching a beer. Tim
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Your not the only ones that can pee in cold weather. Try it around here, sometimes it's colder here then Alaska''
and we are farther south
my wolverine story...

I'm sure my fellow Canadians all have a wolverine story or 2 :). Mine (this is true) is that I hit a wolverine with the car while driving home from work when I lived in Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory. It was about -30 and I did get a life size mount made up!

Can't believe this post made it to the competition only thread... in order to keep it here - see you at the World's in Australia in a couple of days!!!!
Yes, the visitors anthem should be played first. Also, the Canadian flag was flown below the American flag which is also protocol. If I am correct, out of 76 shooters 8 were Canadians--10%. The CD and the flag were requested and supplied by us.

Good luck for the rest of the world schedule to both our countries teams. Safe travels home.