USA Scoreline 2012-2013



The new seasons of the USA Scoreline will begin on November 1, 2012. The indoor season will run through April 30, 2012. An outdoor season will run concurrently through the same dates. We are considering a best 9 of an unlimited number of matches. The remainder of the rules are open for discussion. Your input and opinions are welcome.
It has been suggested that since seasons are 6 months long, maybe the format should be a best 12 rather than the previous best of 9 format. We would leave the unlimited maximum number of targets. Any thoughts? Thank you.
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Considering the limited number of venues and the distance between them, It is my opinion that the smaller number of "Best", within reason, is better for all. Someone like me, who is very interested in being part of this, invested heavily in it AND actually driving 5 hours each way to to compete ( the closest one to me), will have a tough time putting up 9 "Good Ones", let alone 12. I realize this is probably a slefish attitude but we are trying to grow a sport here - - -. A smaller number also provides more opportunity for the Driven to try to be Best.
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All good points. Thank you for being involved.


Thank you for your input.

I'm 100% with Pete on this for the exact same reasons - other than the part of having to drive that far.

Hi I think that the 9 target is good . The number helps to keep conditions , and good or bad days from being the determining factor .
Best 9 seems good......with unlimited number of targets, those shooting the most targets will have the best chance of winning. I think that the original was best 9 of 15. That was a short match over with a chance to do other classes. That seemed good except that if you only have one rifle to shoot, then 15 is all you get. I like the idea of scoreline #1 best 9 0f 15. Those shooters who want the shoot more can continue by reporting scoreline #2 results. Each is a separate match and there may be several who would go for #3. All the competition you want or as little as you want. Some may want to stay in one class but shoot .177 in #1 and a .22 in #2 or try a different rifle. No one could shoot #2 or #3 unless they had completed the 15 targets required for the previous number.

Silly me! Chance to compete as many times as you like if there are matches you want to attend, Those shooting scoreline #2 could even shoot with those shooting #1 shoulder to shoulder and simply have director turn in targets to apply to scoreline #2'

Bob Z

Everyone seems to like the idea of shooting more targets but having the time frames line up is also important. With a scoreline #1 seamlessly going to a scoreline #2 will not work. There could be some on a scoreline #3 while others are still on their first set of targets. A consistent time line allows for a clear beginning and end. With a 6 month season and unlimited targets, we have both. Yes, it favors those that shoot more but this first season has both an indoor and an outdoor division, something for everyone. Am I missing something? Thanks for your input.

I am as happy as can be, to have such a great advantage to turn in more targets and continue to throwout scores. I can watch progress of my nearest competitor and when his average beats mine I can attend more matches. My read on the post so far on this thread is that most are in favor of counting the best 9, I must have missed those in favor of a never ending story.

My proposal is to keep what worked before. Best 9 of 15 targets. A winner is determined. Many are happy with that because they have to travel long distance to shoot, do not have the time to attend more than one match a month or would like to compete in other classes. S O M E W A N T more and would be happy to start with that match and continue with other 15 target matches. Like every other competition,shoulder to shoulder, you decide to attend a match shoot... shout oh oh!... or hooray and move on to the next event. The proposed match is a long and drawn out running average keeping only 9 targets for a winner. It makes no provision for someone who fired 15 targets and bought a new rifle and wants to shoot a match with his new toy. Or wants to try a different caliber in the same class.

The postal element is secondary to the shoulder to shoulder match. What happens with one has nothing to do with the other. The postal results like the class distinction or a which group of 15 targets is what the MD sends to you.

The never ending story once started must go on and on without experimentation within a specified class of .22 vs .177 or one rifle over another in the hands of the same shooter.

I am not sure that posting a score in one group of 15 targets vs posting a shooter in several different classes would be any more work for you.

Thanks for allowing input.

Bob Z

What worked before will continue to work going forward. We will have a best 9 of unlimited targets over the 6 month season. Those that shoot once a month will have a convenient beginning and end. Those that want to shoot more, can rack up the scores. Those that want to shoot in more than one class are free to do that by shooting 9 targets and then, change to a different class. Those that want to experiment with calibers, barrels, pellets and the like, have plenty of time. This format provides the flexibility for everyone to compete on a national level, in a manner that makes them most comfortable.

Your guys can shoot USA Production class together for 9 targets and then pull the TM1000s out and shoot HV or USA Open class together for another 9 targets. Those that want to shoot only 9 targets can do so and those that want to continue will not be restricted, all the while watching what everyone else is doing inside the same 6 month season, indoors or outdoors.
Another way to approach this might be to have one LV card, one HV card and one UL card at each match and all could shoot all of the classes if they chose to. Even have a double or tripple match in the same day if the venue permitted it, then decide on a "Best Of" number. Other Shooting Sports use the best 6 of an unlimited number. The Cream is going to rise regardless of how many matches are shot. Nobody will "get lucky" very often and probaly not 6 time out of an entire season.

I, personally would shoot both LV and HV and, perhaps UL while I was at the same match. It might even encourage me to work on a second rifle but at this point, I would be fine with shooting my LV in all three classes, for the trigger time, if fo no other reason.

Question....If a competitor has more than one rifle in specific class. Does he mix and match within that class or can he shoot a different scoreline with his new rifle purchased after he started or a different rifle he owns Could one shooter compete with say three different rifles in the same class ?


In answer to your question, Could one shooter compete with say three different rifles in the same class? Yes, as long as all three rifles meet the rules for that class. This might tell someone which rifle/barrel/pellet combination is the best. Some have been shooting the same rifle, like an EV-2, in three different classes, LV, HV and USA Open.

This is meant to be a fun competition where you can compare your results with others, over an extended term, from all over the country.
Oh, good Lord!

I can see it all happening now.

Guess I'll be going out and asking Santa for a new and improved Unlimited gun after all.

And why not?

After all, I know just the gun: one of Chip's SUMO's.

What a game.

What a day!

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Oh, good Lord!

I can see it all happening now.

Guess I'll be going out and asking Santa for a new and improved Unlimited gun after all.

And why not?

After all, I know just the gun: one of Chip's SUMO's.

What a game.

What a day!


It's only the Nursing Home's money you would be spending Dave. Better you have good toys and let someone else worry about your final months, weeks and days :)