Unlimitid Nationals



Unlimited Nationals

Rocky River Results:

Un 1 Truman Webber 250-21
Gary Shelton 250-19
Hoke Kerns 250-18
Jim Pepper 250-18
Danny Hepler 250-18
Jerry Washam 250-17
Ken Fulghum 250-17
Ed Jamison 250-15
Todd Taylor 250-13

Un2 Jim Pepper 250-19
Truman Webber 250-19
Darin Roush 250-18
Wallace Putman 250-17
Jeff Braun 250-15
Jerry Graves 250-14

Un3 Phil Dorman 250-23 Possible New Record
Charles Pippin 250-20
Truman Webber 250-20
Todd Taylor 250-20
Mike Edge 250-20
Greg Davis 250-19
Brian Moore 250-19
Tina Deziel 250-18
Doug Kenimer 250-17
Darin Roush 250-16
Craig Young 250-15
Hoke Kerns 250-13
Sam Saunders 250-11

Agg Truman Webber 750-60 Possible New Record
Jim Pepper 749-55
Darin Roush 749-55

Un1 Jack Boger 250-21 Possible New Record
William Poff 250-19
Gene Davis 250-17
Jerry Washam 250-16
Jim Pepper 250-16

UN2 Kent Owens 250-18
Jerry Graves 250-17
Darin Roush 250-17
Jerry Washam 250-14

Un3 Danny Hepler 250-15
Frank Jarvis 250-13
Alvis Beach 250-11

Agg Jerry Washam 749-44 Possible New Record
Darin Roush 748-51
Todd Taylor 746-43

6-Tgt Darin Roush 1497-106 Possible New Record
Jerry Washam 1496-93
Truman Webber 1495-103
Jim Pepper 1494-104
Todd Taylor 1493-94

Thanks For A Great Match
Possibly Every Indoor RBA Unlimited Record was Broken this Weekend.
There were 40 - 250's shot count them 40

Jeff Braun
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Thanks for the work you did to put on another great match! The food was good, we enjoyed getting to meet some new folks, and enjoyed talking with old friends. Congrats to all the shooters who won classes and a big congrats to Truman, Jerry Washam, and Darin Roush, great shooting by all of 'em!
It was good to see the Ohio gang again too, as well as the Georgia guys, and Tennesse boys, and all the rest too!
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congrats to all the shooters makes me glad i didn't come with all those 250's shot us chickens cant fly with the eagles. How many paper cuts did Elizabeth get? See ya at the crawfish.


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Equipment list

Could someone post at least a partial equipment list??

With all these great scores it would seem there has been a paradime shift. Was it "relaxing triggers" or "Laupa ammo"?
Great shooting and congrats to all

Truman, That rest is a thing of beauty. What is it made of Maple or some other light colored wood?
Congratulations to everyone, great shooting, a lot of records and a great weekend. Truman could set a new trend with his rest. Amazing.

Congrats to all the winners.Darin you did very well! You made the right choice on wich gun to shoot and to leave the turbo home. Hey Rod how about you post that picture of Gregg with his towel? Hey Darin is the turbo for sale now?? They bring a good chunk of change. JLG
Unlimited Nationals

Congrats to all the winners.Darin you shot very good,you figured out what it took to win .There were some very good scores shot.Jeff you also put on a good match.You to Elizabeth.I had a good time just wish i would of felt better.Jerry Washam you did really well also,glad to see you get thinks working.This is going to be a exciting year for R.B.A.
congradulations darren on a well deserved win ,and NEW WORLD RECORD,you beat alot of good shooters to get it,good way to start off the year.
Congratulations Darren on some great shooting. Congrats Truman,Jack, Jerry and a bunch of you guys that shot so well.