Unlimited Rail Gun Enthusiast ?

Mr. T - there's no problem with the delrin. Using some type of bearing just costs more and doesn't do any better.

Again - there is no problem with delrin slides on a rail gun.

To answer your question concerning wear, it doesn't matter. Ten shots plus sighters won't make much difference. :)

Thanks for the clarification , its my first rail build and considering that i am in Europe , there are very few rails around here so i have no posibility of seeing one live that is why all the stupid questions.
Thanks for the clarification , its my first rail build and considering that i am in Europe , there are very few rails around here so i have no posibility of seeing one live that is why all the stupid questions.

Mr T,.... The only stupid question is the one that is not asked. Your response should expel any doubts about the potential success of a forum Dedicated to Rail Guns.

"Lets see the hands of those who don't think a Rail Gun Forum would be a good idea"

Rail Gun Forum

I think a rail gun forum would be a great idea as I'm thinking about building one.
Thanks, Wes
Small steps Grasshopper

New to the sport and learning with each day I read this forum.

I think the most successful way to start a discussion dedicated to Rail Guns would be a sub forum here for two reasons. 1. it is an established and well visited site and might increase the shooters interested in these guns; 2. it would cost nothing to start and see what the interest in forum posts would be.

Just my thinking......................
For Mr T

Since you are going to design and build your own rail, you may be interested in this little video. I quit the CF BR game several years ago, but I did enjoy the unlimited class the best.

Thanks Jerry

A perfect example of what the "Unlimited Class" is about. Jerry is a guy who is not afraid to think outside the box. Hensler Electronic Wind indicators, Hensler Powder measure inserts. just a couple that comes to mind. I'm sure there are more.

Very well done video. How important is The automatic return to battery control(Spring) thingy. I've seen some Rail Gun shooters use a bungy cord. Same idea/function?

Well some of us older people forget things like returning the gun to battery. The return spring leaves one less thing to forget. Bad enough trying to count ten empty cases.:eek:
Since you are going to design and build your own rail, you may be interested in this little video. I quit the CF BR game several years ago, but I did enjoy the unlimited class the best.

Great video .
Some have a return spring and some have a "spring sort of thing" that prevents the rail top from hitting the back stop. If you have your rail pounded into the bench, it's seldom a solid fit in the holes you make. One time, in my history of rail gun shooting, did I encounter a bench top that held the rail solidly in both directions. Anyway, you pound the rail points into the bench, and then bump the rail forward, as you look at the target through the scope, until it quits moving...completely. You will have to pick up the base and blow the dust out of the holes you made very often so just blow them out as a standard. OK, you're set up to shoot but if the rail ever hits the back stop you've got to re-set it, or re-aim it every shot.

Thus, the spring cushion thing (or bunjee cord) you see on many rail guns. Remember this if you don't have a rail gun - rail guns don't shoot better than bag guns, they just shoot faster. Given two guns, a rail and a bag gun, that have the same accuracy level, the rail will win over time purely because of the speed.
Some have a return spring and some have a "spring sort of thing" that prevents the rail top from hitting the back stop. If you have your rail pounded into the bench, it's seldom a solid fit in the holes you make. One time, in my history of rail gun shooting, did I encounter a bench top that held the rail solidly in both directions. Anyway, you pound the rail points into the bench, and then bump the rail forward, as you look at the target through the scope, until it quits moving...completely. You will have to pick up the base and blow the dust out of the holes you made very often so just blow them out as a standard. OK, you're set up to shoot but if the rail ever hits the back stop you've got to re-set it, or re-aim it every shot.

Thus, the spring cushion thing (or bunjee cord) you see on many rail guns. Remember this if you don't have a rail gun - rail guns don't shoot better than bag guns, they just shoot faster. Given two guns, a rail and a bag gun, that have the same accuracy level, the rail will win over time purely because of the speed.

Hey Wilbur...Have you found that Super Feet Improves the Stability when shooting a rail?. I was told to use my thumb to control the recoil. Most times it's worked,but I do occasionally get excited and forget I got a thumb. The top hits the back stop and unsettles the POA

Requiring POA readjustment. Some times I have a problem remembering precisely where my point of aim was. Come's with age. (CRS)

I have found that Super Feet don't work well on some bench top surfaces.

Superfeet suck for shooters but are a dream come true for bench owners only. Lead shot bags and clamps work well but nothing will save you if you hit a stop
Here's my Bud Welsh

Acquired this Bud Welshrig a couple years ago but work travel has prevented me from shooting it much. When I get the chance, it is a hoot!

They have their idiosynchrosies or at least mine does. After a lot of head scratching over why I would sometimes get random unexplained shots just out of the group I discovered after searching the forums that touching anything besides the trigger is not recommended. After backtracking my bench mechanics next trip to range,I determined I had been lightly touching the back of the trigger guard with my thumb, apparently with not the same amount of pressure each shot. Got thumb out of the way and problem solved.

Another great reason for the Railgun Forum, is there are lots of little nuggets posted by experiences people have encountered which can and do provide insights to issue solving.


Lynn Gibson
I've never used Super Feet so I can't answer. I would say that holes left in the bench by rail guns don't matter much but I don't own any benches either. I will say that benches will stay smooth for a long time if nobody uses them to shoot.