United Sportsmen's ARA Results



We started our first match of the season with some switchy winds - but it didn't seem to bother Brian. He showed us how it should be done. Thanks to everyone who showed up & helping with the match.
We had 17 shooters - here are the top 10 raw aggs for 6 targets:

1. Brian Brandt.....................2112.50
2. Steve Emmert..................2095.83
3. Joe Besche..................... 2083.33
4. Charles Scott...................2070.83
5. Glen Townley...................2062.50
6. Dennis Sallin....................2004.17
7. Robert Meade..................1970.00
8. Roger Pepper...................1933.33
9. Bobby Love..................... 1897.50
10. Bob Hontz.......................1870.83

High Targets:
M1 Charles Scott 2350
M2 Glen Townley 2350
M3 Glen Townley 2200
M4 Brian Brandt 2250
M5 Joe Besche 2150
M6 Dennis Sallin 2275

Thanks again
Joe & Mary

PS Hope to see everybody again for the May 24th Tournament
Congrats Brian...

Congrats Brian on your 1st Place win! Awesome shooting! It was fun having you for a "neighbor"...listening to you, I thought you must have some lousy targets going! Obviously, when you swear at every "50", you're determined to come out on top! Great Shooting!:)

Congrats to all the Top 10 and the individual target winners! Great to see everyone and also to meet some "new to our area" shooters...nice to put faces with names we've seen in ARA News!

Thanks Joe & Mary!

WOW! Those are some great scores all around. Switchy winds didn't hurt the 'top ten' shooters.

Congrats to Brian on the 'win', and to my friend Steve Emmert on taking second ........that's some really good shooting!
A "thank you" to Joe and Mary for putting on a great match, and especially Mary for all the scoring and sign-in work. I don't think she ever got to leave the scoring shack.
Looks like these are going to be some great places so shoot. Great shooting guys...it killed me to miss it.

Conratulations guys.

Sorry guys, I hated missing the maiden voyage of Owensville and Jefferson City but the land of Coronas and Margaritas was calling....I just got back from 5 great days in sunny Cancun.

See ya in St.Louis on Saturday.
