unertl scopes

Its simple, some people like the...............

F-4s & F-104s, but can't turn their backs on the F-8s & P-61s ;) I, however, jes' LUUVV my BALvar 24s :eek: (I just need to put a LIGHTER barrel on the 40Xs, 14.5 is too much for "walkin' aroun'" rifle.)

7X.300; Just forward of the ocular(in your photo, the second ring just forward of the eyepiece) that second ring on many Unertls was what held the reticle. The reticles came in a steel tube and could be changed out by the operator. All that would need to be done would be to have the rear in a downward inclined position while changing the reticle, then warm it slightly w/a hairdryer. Much above warm, you'll be drawing moisture in as it cools. Better yet, if there was a place in town where nitrogen could be gotten, it could be used to fill it. But, if I were to do that, I'd speak to at least an optometrist, or the factory/repair facility about the best way to go about it.
Yeah,:Dthere ARE fools who'll take anything apart, but having the proper tools and advice from experts can help a bunch. Remember, even though YOU may not want to try it, 'specially on yourself, even neurosurgery is a LEARNED skill.:D:rolleyes:;):D
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Like someone else posted I have also owned 12 or 14 Unertl's over the past 40 years.
Never had a failure, always had splendid optics, superb imagery and no eye strain!
I have owned 1 1/2" models, 2" models, Ultra-Varmints (in both 12 and 15 power) and a couple of BV-20's!
I am down to just two Unertls nowadays and one of them is the BV-20 (straight 20 power with A/O)!
This model is my favorite of all the Unertl scopes I have owned.
I always get a kick out of the reaction of newbie type people who look through this scope on a sunny day - they go into a kind of shock at the absolute clarity of the Unertl's image!
I always sold the Unertls I owned for more money than I paid for them!
There should have been a lesson for me there somewhere.
I also have a Unertl spotting scope with two eyepieces one in 20 power and the other in 27 power.
Again the image is outstandingly clear and uniform and no eyestrain is encountered even after long sessions of useage with it!
I can never remember using any of my Unertl optics in "rainy or jungle like conditions" so I can't comment thereon.
I do though know I wish I had every Unertl scope I have sold - BACK!
Hold into the wind
Ok so you all like them and have owned a few????

So why would I want one? What do they do that my Elite 6500 can't do? Is it about eye strain? I wear glasses and I don't have any eye strain?
Worker, they were made in a different..........

time, when people wanted things to LAST, and built things that way, because they didn't necessarily want to buy something next year, and the next, and........nor could they afford to(and there are many in politics who seem hell-bent to make sure they can't afford it any more, either). The adjustments on these 'scopes will still be working very well, if not flawlessly, after many changes to windage and elevation, when your "Elite" 6500 may be over and out. Are they the best thing since canned bread & sliced beer?? No, but unless one does something stupid, they still work very well, indeed. They are big and clunky, kinda like Dinosaurs from a forgotten age, but, they still work. Remember, in America, LOTS of people have guns, a few people have LOTS of guns, but few people shoot their guns a LOT. So, the industry standard for an American or Japanese scope is 1,000 rounds from a sporter weight 30-'06, after that, the companies figure the scope is done. Is it done?? No, and some like Leupold fix them and get them back to you at little or no cost. Also, Leupold had to be dragged kicking & screaming to 30MM tubes; and it was only when the Australians came out with the Hillver & Lynx lines of mounts & rings, that the Leupold, Burris, and Redfield put a forth screw in their one piece bases, otherwise, those bases haven't change since the '20s(Why should we change 'em?? Hell they're still buyin' 'em, ain't they???). Are their better things out there? YYYYEEEeeeesssss, That's why the March scope is now being made. It should certainly do more than your Elite will do and for many, many years as long as....one doesn't do anything stupid. Oh, but look at the price, everyone says, the big companies can't make any money in a "niche" market like that!!! Well, yes, they COULD, if they started doing the research, and listened to people for a much longer period. The fact that a very expensive, hand-made scope is in short supply proves that people want to relax, and enjoy their leisure-time pursuits. And, they want dependable tools to work in those pursuits, without having to make excuses for poor performance. I'm not trying to flog the pony here, but if you ever get the chance to really shoot one of these scopes, do an adjustment reference check, and work with one for a few days, its an experience. Are they ever for you? Probably not, but neither is my Maserati, you like your Beetle too much, don't you?? :D;) Hey, I'm just jerkin' your chain w/that last remark, don't take it seriously. My point is, yes, they are old, but they have a quality that isn't found today. Why was that quality put in them?? Well, the original John Unertl, was a german sniper in WWI, so he knew the value of.......a dependable tool. :eek:
Why a Unertl?

The question has been raised "Why a Unertl". Two reasons, first is superb optics, and the second reason is resale value. How does your Elite 4200 hold its value as a used scope? Not much I would wager. I have never, I mean never had a Unertl that I didn't sell for a lot more than I paid for it after I got the use of it. They are wonderful scopes that have a loyal following. sorry but you can't say that for your Bushnell 6500!
Unertl repair shop:

in Pennsylvania ( Mars) was closed down 2 years ago.