Unertl BV 20



My idea is to remove the original mounts of my Unertl BV 20 scope and fit the external adjistment scope mount made by TSI Gene Bukys.
Somebody has already donne that and if yes any improvement?
I am not very sure about Unertl type mounts after adjustment from shot to shot...and I belive it would be better to have the base on the action only.
Engineer/BR shooter Mike Walker of Reminton's custom shop in the 60s-70s period and .222/Md 700-40x fame also believed that action mounting would be superior. So -- he taught himself enough about optics to a design short tube BR scope using the same lenses as Lyman's Super Targetspots and Unertl mounts on a scope he could action mount.

It worked. Remington produced 20x and 24x scopes for a few years before both Lyman and Redfield did the same thing but with sealed scopes and internal adjustments. The rest, as they say, is history. (And Remington soon dropped their effort, to hard to make any significant money in such a competitive market.)

I have a 24X Rem BR scope on my old 40XB in 6mm International (that cartridge was another Walker effort) and love it for what it is, a consistant < 5/8 moa shooter. But, I also love the old Unertl target 1 1/2" - 12X long tube scope sitting on my (original) Browning Safari HB .22-250. Some things are worth more than eaking out every thou of accuracy, it looks exactly as a classic varminting rig should look!
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Unertl bases

Unertl did makes bases that allowed the BV 20 to be mounted on the action. The front base is a long extension. At one time you could call them and place an order for these bases.
Unertl mount

Del: My Unertl BV20 includes the receiver extension base mount you are speaking of, set-up on a short action Rem. 700. Front of the base overhangs the barrel by 2 3/4", overall length is 8 1/2". Utilizes all 4 of the base mount screw holes on the receiver. Cannot find the name of maker anywhere. Excellent mount for the shorter Unertl's: never did like the barrel mount front block.
There are plenty of.................

makers out there that make rails, etc for rifles, and many advertise on this board. It shouldn't be too hard to get somebody to make whatever you want.:);)
bv-20 bases

checked the classifieds unsuccessfully.....who can guide me to these makers.....need a set for 40x badly.....thanks
Unertl bases

Thank you for the info..I belive too that the action mount would be superior to action/barrell mount..but what about the Unertl mounts accuracy from adjustment shot to shot and return to zero?
return to zero

Thank you for the info..I belive too that the action mount would be superior to action/barrell mount..but what about the Unertl mounts accuracy from adjustment shot to shot and return to zero?

I used this scope for a few 1000 yd matches and never had a problem. You just have to figure out exactly what minute of angle you are getting with a click. I didn't like that long cantilevered front base as it just seemed to flexible to me. It can be bent and then you really have a problem.