Unaka Rod & Gun Club, Tennessee State Championship June 18,19

Dan I'm out of bullets for my .30 but got some for my .22 PPC short, anyway I need to cime over and convert some of you gusy to UBR.
If Danny's pulling out a 22ppc I don't think he needs many pointers on shooting group. Unless he's using that to kill jackrabbits over there in Virginnie.

Dan Honert
Yeah, you can still shoot. There is still the match fee. You won't qualify for any of the awards, but we can throw your groups up on the result sheet. I'm pretty sure I seen Harold Seagroves do that at his first match. He shot really well, but just didn't qualify for any trophies.

Matthew Keller
I had every intention of coming but my daughter called and wants me to baby sit Sat., maybe I can make it Sun.