Unaka Rod and Gun Club SER match!!!!!


I don't get paid to think I used to be a truck driver, but what you did Wilbur is a stroke of genious, well done. Now, is it intended that a person can pre-register for said match also?:confused:

Dan Honert

That's the idea. The program sends an email to the event "owner" which will work for those that needed an estimate of attendance and not the actual match fee. You can choose whether or not to include the "registration" link.

Enter the location (range) once and just pick it from a dropdown next time...

I'm gonna pay a programmer to flange that thing into the new NBRSA website in the short term so it will look right. If it works we'll go "global" wth it.
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As said in an earlier reply...

the gate will be open at 6pm on Wednesday, and will remain open after that throughout the whole weekend. In case of an emergency or anything, one can call my cell phone at 423-202-6932. I may not be able to take care of the problem but if I can't I am in easy contact with those who can. :) Hope this helps.

Matthew S Keller
Tight Fit

Matthew or Chris, when will the gate be locked open? I would like to bring my camper over Thursday AM.

We are going to have to pack the campers tight this year. Please note this when parking since you and Brian are always first in. I would hate to have to shuffle you guys later. This will be our first run with the new obstacle they have added in the parking area. It's supposed to have running water :eek:

I'm not exactly giving up...

BUT...the answer is not so easily found. I can make it whatever I want it to be but how it got that high remains obscure. I contacted the vendor rep and he said "Hmmm....never heard of that."