Unaka Results are in-Killer Keller Wins(Lots of Pics)(BIG 56k warning)



Unaka Rod and Gun Club
Johnson City, TN
S.E. Regional Match Held July 5th and 6th 2008

Saturday's weather was overcast, cool and and comfortable for this time of year, at least until the monsoon set in late in the afternoon. Sunday started out overcast and warmer and seemed to keep heating up both temperature and competition wise.The competition was fierce to say the least for the entire weekend, one young man wanted it all, but as I have always been told, Respect your elders! Matthew Keller took the weekend with a .206 agg, yet Dennis Brame snatched the prize that don't hang on the wall, the Jeff Fowler Traveling Trophy. (Dennis that ain't no spittoon now)

For those of you that can't make it to East Tn, you sure are missing Memaws tater salad. 40lb wasn't enough. No pics of it sorry, didn't want anyone to relapse.

I'm not much of a talker or writer, But I love pictures.
So I will share.




What Everyone wants

In Memory of Jeff Fowler

Yes JD Does Smile on occasion, Andy had to buy that shirt.

I don't think he makes stocks out of them but??

Watch out for this Feller, just keep scrolling.

Mr. Mike always seems to take something home

Another One, keep scrolling.

Mr. Ted Manning made it to another TN match and is always welcomed

Big grin from Andy

Jerry right at home, Thank you Jerry

A little congregation during awards on one end of the line

Dennis again? who took these pictures


One of theses days One of these days, Can't I wish it was mine?

Congrats Keller, I was wore out from handin this guy wood


Congratulations Everyone

Once again it is truely an Honor to host a Match for such a fine group of Shooters. Congratulations each and everyone of you, and a great Big Ol' Thank you for shooting with us at Unaka Rod and Gun Club


A Special Thank You to Norman Jones, with out him this would have never taken place.

MK you da man! ;)
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The top shoot in the South, Unaka.

Matthew pulled a fast one, he beat the whole bunch like a stepchild. Grats Killer.

The photos are a nice touch Chris. We had to help Dennis Brame hold up his winnings, the Jef Fowler trophy (HV Grand).

Thanks guys.
Congratulations Matthew and Dennis and all the rest, that is some fine shooting, who ever said nice guys finish last never shot benchrest thats for sure. good job, steve
Congratulations Matthew!

I am sure this is just one of many 2-guns you are going to win, but there is only 1 first, and you did it in impressive fashion. Enjoy, it was fun to watch.

Matthew was on fire! My gun was shooting better than any barrel/bullet combination I've ever had, but a couple of brain farts allowed Matthew to leave me in the dust.

Congratulations Matthew! Outstanding shooting!
made the trip...

We enjoyed the trip. It was good to see so many faces we hadn't seen in a long time.

I know Jeff would be proud of that trophy.

Thanks for letting us hang around.

Victor & Pat
Congratulations to Matthew and Dennis. Both of you did some very impressive shooting.

Mike Davis and I are trying to get Matthew into 600yd bench rest. I don't think it would take long and he would be at the top of the game there as well.

Dennis, what can I say; it was fun to shoot beside you all weekend. Maybe I picked up a few tips from a great shooter.

Norman Jones and his crew as well as Gordon Earp put on a very good match. Everything went smooth. We had a good target crew...Thanks to all of you for making our Independence Day weekend great.

Larry Isenhour
Like a balloon

Took Killer to Hooters for lunch today since it is his B-Day and he clinched the win, his head is swelled up so big he barely fit through the door :D

Very Nice job fella's! Im jealouse, all we get at our club is a certificate.:confused:
All kidding aside, Very good shooting.;)