Ultimate Benchrest Nationals 2014


Active member
The Ultimate Benchrest Nationals for 2014 will be held on August 30-31st at the Gallatin Gun Club near Gallatin TN. Directions from a couple of directions can be found @ www.gallatingun.com. There are several motels in Gallatin along with plenty of restaurants. Most are within 15 minutes of the range. Also, rooms and food can be found at Lebanon TN, which is only about 1/2 hour away. Camping at the range will not be available as it is a TVA facility and no one is allowed to be at the range after sunset. But, there are several campgrounds within easy driving distance.

We will be shooting the 100 yard match in all 4 classes on Saturday August 30 and the 200 yard matches on Sunday August 31st. Match fees are yet to be finalized but, lunch and drinks will be included for both days. For further information contact Rick Fox 615-405-8622 or tnmountainaire@bellsouth.net.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club
Richard Milton and I shot our first UBR at the Nationals last year at Buck Creek and really enjoyed it. You can put us down for this year's match. I will shoot the Custom class and Richard will shoot both Custom and Unlimited. We both will be shooting our 6PPC's. Thanks, James Mock
Wiil be a great shoot!

Glad to hear your going to make the trip, I would like to get some of the other group shooters to show up and try UBR. Rick does a fantastic job of running the matches and the eating aint too bed either! See you then.
There are also hotels and fast food at the I-40/Hwy 231 exit.

Equidistant to the west vs Lebanon to the east, is Mt Juliet. More hotels, more and better restaurants and more things to do. I'm a bit biased, it's my home town.

Rick, paraphrasing the old saying, I may be square, but I'll be there. Shooting at least custom and unlimited.
Shade tree engineering
PMA tool
Berger bullets
Sierra Bullets
Stiller precision
Bruno shooter supply
Redding reloading
Birchwood Casey
BAT Machine
Shilen Rifles
Schmidt & Bender
Ezell Custom Rifles

Some folks are going to walk away with some fine door prizes.

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Shade tree engineering
PMA tool
Berger bullets
Sierra Bullets
Stiller precision
Bruno shooter supply
Redding reloading
Birchwood Casey
BAT Machine
Shilen Rifles
Schmidt & Bender
Ezell Custom Rifles
Crawfords Tool
Krieger Barrels, Inc
LE Wilson
Bix & Andy
21st century

Some folks are going to walk away with some fine door prizes.

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I live in Dresden, and it will be quite a drive for me. I have never shot a match before. What are the" classes" and what all do I need to bring if I come? What caliber rifle do I need to bring?
I just sent you a PM and an email with my phone #. Answering your questions directly would be a lot better. Call me.

Reminder -
If you have not contacted me already, it would be very helpful to know if you plan to attend the UBR Nationals at Gallatin TN on August 30-31.
We have the first two relays full already. There is no limit on shooters, but it will be helpful to know what we need to do for food and drinks before match day. Early sign ups will assigned benches through a drawing. If you need help with lodging, I can recommend several places. Please email or give me a call.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club
The Ultimate Benchrest Nationals for 2014 will be held on August 30-31st at the Gallatin Gun Club near Gallatin TN....We will be shooting ... all 4 classes....Match fees are yet to be finalized.

Some folks are going to walk away with some fine door prizes.

What does it cost to shoot this match?
Do the different classes shoot at the same time?
How many record shots at each target?
What time should shooters be there?
How many shooters do you expect?
How are the "door prizes" awarded? (Based on shooting results or based on a drawing?)
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First, thanks for asking. All are good questions.

What does it cost to shoot this match?

The entry fee for one rifle is $40 which will cover both days as well as food and drinks for both days. Each additional rifle will be $20.
Do the different classes shoot at the same time?

All classes shoot together. The standings are determined by scores within each class. Scores and standings will be posted after the second card is complete and after each one thereafter.
How many record shots at each target?

There are 6 record shots on each target as well as 2 sighters.

What time should shooters be there?

The safety meeting will begin at 9:00AM Saturday morning. The 100 yard match will begin immediately thereafter. The range will be open on Friday afternoon for sight in and flag placement. The range will be cold and will be closed to all except competitors at 5:00 Friday afternoon for flag placement. There will also be time for flag placement on Saturday morning. Someone, probably me, will be at the range before 7:00 AM.

How many shooters do you expect?

Last year we had 70 rifles competing. At this time we have 50 signed up. I expect we will have around the same number as last year, maybe a few more, maybe a few less.

How are the "door prizes" awarded? (Based on shooting results or based on a drawing?)

The door prizes will be done by drawing. You will get a ticket for the drawing for each rifle. If you need directions or information for local motels contact me by phone or email and I'll get you what you need.

Rick Fox
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There are 6 record shots on each target as well as 2 sighters.

Only two sighters per target? That seems odd. Per the rule book, "a three or five minute sight in period on the first target" seems to be common. What's the purpose of limiting sighters to "two"?
I think you misunderstand. The two sighter bulls are in the center of the card with three record bulls on each side. You are allowed to take as many sighter "shots" as you wish in the 10 minute time limit. This is in addition to the 3 minute sight in on the first relay. I hope this makes it clearer. For example, it usually takes me between 110 & 120 rounds for a 100/200 yard AGG. This depends on the weather conditions. If you haven't seen the target and want to, send me your cell phone # or email address and I'll send you a pic. My email address is on the earlier post.

I'm excited about the upcoming Nationals! These matches are a blast and I call everyone that I shoot with a friend. I'm always happy to see each and every one of them. The Nationals will bring in some of the best in the game, and some that I've not seen in a while. Hopefully, it will also bring in people that have never shot it before, as well. And maybe, just maybe..they'll like it and return. The game has plenty to offer on it's own merits. If anyone wants to shoot, I think I think it's safe to say that we'd be glad to have you.
Hope to see you all there! Come on and SHOOT!
Bix N Andy

Chris Harris of BulletCentral.com was gracious enough to donate a $400.00 Bix N Andy Trigger. We need to add his name to the list.
Thought I had added that. Nice catch Scotty. Thanks George. Now all we need is a few more folks to come and win these door prizes and maybe put a few downrange while they are here. But then, I guess the rest of us could just divvy 'em up :)


cool i was not aware of that

Nightforce optics
Shade tree engineering
PMA tool
Berger bullets
Sierra Bullets
Stiller precision
Bruno shooter supply
Redding reloading
Birchwood Casey
BAT Machine
Shilen Rifles
Schmidt & Bender
Ezell Custom Rifles
Crawfords Tool
Krieger Barrels, Inc
21st century