UKBR22 Benchrest World Postal 5th & 6th January 2013

Carlo is very good at these things Paul, I think it’s his feminine side coming out :eek:

We also like it very much and will use it at the top of the results sheet which will be out later today and also on the certificates that will accompany the medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places.

Any chance I could add that art work on a certificate that I plan to give the 12 Holbrook shooters?

Match Director Holbrook Sportmens club. USA

someone asked me to use that logos and now I have to answer them:
yes, you can use the stamp but only for benchrest IPM. don't abuse of it please.
filippo fantoni and I are the authors so as the logos used by erabsf.
the shooting is an individual sport. a shooter shoots for improving himself and his technique. not all can afford to spend a mountain of money to participate in international competitions. here nobody will be refused. that "stamp" simply means this.
I would like that logo was pleasant to the shooters community rather than to the federations.
not more not less
carlo :)
World 25 Postal Results

Hi Everyone,

The results of the World 25 Postal Competition are in; please find them in the links below.

These results are provisional. A period of 24hrs will be allowed to check the scores and bring to my attention any mistakes or queries. Please email me at should you see any.

After 24hrs the results will become final.

Well done to everyone that took part, 96 shooters in total, congratulations to you all, especially Tony Male and Colin Evans from the UK for all their hard work in making this competition a success.

Excel Sheet: LINK

.Pdf format: LINK

24Xs! That's it, I quit. I'm going to take up badminton at the old folks home, maybe then I can be competitive;)
Nice shooting Colin.

Hi Everyone,

The results of the World 25 Postal Competition are in; please find them in the links below.

These results are provisional. A period of 24hrs will be allowed to check the scores and bring to my attention any mistakes or queries. Please email me at should you see any.

After 24hrs the results will become final.

Well done to everyone that took part, 96 shooters in total, congratulations to you all, especially Tony Male and Colin Evans from the UK for all their hard work in making this competition a success.

Excel Sheet: LINK

.Pdf format: LINK

Dan, If I'm not mistaken, that's Colins' SECOND 250-24X:eek: Congrats to Colin, Rick and you on some fine shooting!
PS, I don't want my EV-2 back until it shoots like yours:p
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Dan, If I'm not mistaken, that's Colins' SECOND 250-24X:eek: Congrats to Colin, Rick and you on some fine shooting!
PS, I don't want my EV-2 back until it shoots like yours:p

You're right Todd it is.

Colin is an extraordinary indoor shooter, that 14x is low for him.

But Rick and Dan were no slouches.

ps I want my TM1000........soon
Hi from Roma Italy
my name is Marco and my club is Lupi Airguns Roma. My great compliments to all partecipants at this Challenge.
We've started with Air bench Rest just two months ago and our rifles power is limited to 7.5J.
Carlo Caricato invited us to join this challenge and so we are here.
Our results are very poor and come out from our first attempt. We hope to grow up in the next future in this very amazing sport.
way to go is very long, important is not to give up.
Sincere thanks to Brian for organization and for his kind words about all participants
(sorry for my english quite "rusted")
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Congratulations to Colin . Be for our shoot I told others that it wood take a 500-- 40x to win and I see i was not far off . Good job by all cant wait tell next time . See you all down the road . Rick
OK, the scores now shown in the spreadsheet are the final scores:

The medals (once engraved), along with certificates, will be on the way to the winners in the near future. I'll be in touch for your postal addresses when the time comes.

1st place Colin Evans
2nd place Rick Ingraham
3rd place Dan Brown

Congratulations to three very fine shooters (and nice guys as well)

Congrats to Colins, Rick and Dan! It was great fun and hope we do it again soon.

24Xs! That's it, I quit. I'm going to take up badminton at the old folks home, maybe then I can be competitive;)
Nice shooting Colin.


Dont give up now, its only just getting inetersting, when airgun bench rest is continuously getting 250 25x's then we can think about giving up or changing it around, until then we can have fun and frustration at trying to get there.

Congratulations to Colin Rick & Dan, great scores, and congratulations to all who shot and made the event what it was.

Hi from Roma Italy
my name is Marco and my club is Lupi Airguns Roma. My great compliments to all partecipants at this Challenge.
We've started with Air bench Rest just two months ago and our rifles power is limited to 7.5J.
Carlo Caricato invited us to join this challenge and so we are here.
Our results are very poor and come out from our first attempt. We hope to grow up in the next future in this very amazing sport.
way to go is very long, important is not to give up.
Sincere thanks to Brian for organization and for his kind words about all participants
(sorry for my english quite "rusted")


Thanks for taking part and it was great to see you enjoyed it so much. I am sure it wont be too long before we are all nudging each other for top shot.


Hello All,

I am a new Member form the UK Colin Evans this post is to thank everyone from the USA for a Great Comp and to make new contacts so Benchrest can move forward in the UK and around the world.

Welcome to this forum. Congratulations on wining with a 500 38X and your second 250 24X!! WOW Great Shooting!!

I have run the Matches at Holbrook Sportsmen's Club for 6 years and can't remember anyone shooting over 20X's.

Ron S. from Wild River has one 250 24X.

Looking forward to shooting another International Postal match anytime.

Paul Bendix
Hi Congratulations Colin . Did I meat you at the Worlds ? Hope to shoot with you soon . Rick
Hi Rick only been doing Benchrest for about 2 years but yes I would like to come to the USA and shoot with some like minded people at some point maybe with a few others. Great shooting yourself I do like shooting indoors.
I am going to Plzen in july this year are any of you going.

Colin Evans
Hi I was planing on going but health reasons well keep me from going . Maybe I well see you at the nixed worlds . Rick

The next worlds sounds good or maybe if I can afford to go to America over the next year I will try to visit a few clubs {money of course is always the problem}all the best and keep pushing the boundaries.:)

New Medals

The new medals have now been cast at the mint :) The engraving should be done next week and two of them will be winging their way to the USA.


Rick, I need your postal address, could you PM or email me the details.

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Wow! those are nice.

The new medals have now been cast at the mint :) The engraving should be done next week and two of them will be winging their way to the USA.


Rick, I need your postal address, could you PM or email me the details.

I like the Gold one best Dan, unfortunately none of them have my name on...................but there's always next year :)
