UH-OH, Here c-c-comes that (B-B-BRRR) C-C-CR-Cryo word again........

Did you even read the article? Another thing, I find the manner in which you refer to Mr. Thomas to be rude and condescending. Others may find your rather lengthy tirade convincing, but given the audience, I think that you shot yourself in the foot.
No, Boyd..............

No, I didn't read the article, because It was gone before I'd found out about it. But, I did the next best thing, I went to the source, Mr. Thomas, not that he'd remember the conversation.

As far as rude and condescending that was exactly the initial impression I got of him, although, in fairness, maybe I had caught him on a bad day, I don't know. But, I listened to his position, then, when I tried to bring up some salient points to consider, he interrupted, to again state his position several times, letting me know there was absolutely nothing new under the sun, until I realized this was an exercise in futility, he like some others, at that point at least, had a closed mind. Will this change sometime in the future? I'd like to think so, after all, a closed mind cannot admit the sunlight of reason.

And, from your postings, some of which are OVERly lengthy as well, I notice you adroitly shift the discussion from one of; Gee, let's see, there may just be something different here we can learn about...Which I might add, you repeatedly refuse to consider, to one of; OK, let's find ANYthing we can to dodge the issue, attack the poster, whatever we gotta do to ditch this discussion.

But, what the hey, being somwhat stalwart in my convictions, no more difficult to convince than you, I press on, like the good soldier.

It will be interesting down the line a few years, you'll probably be as unconvinced as ever, while others are using the benefits of the process, or, you'll embrace it and it will be the best idea you (n)ever had. ;)

Oh, and not scolding anyone, but performance engines of many kinds have many materials like brass, aluminum, bronze, steel, cast iron, that all are used in firearms; And one of the reasons I mention some of these things is because many of the people here who are firearms enthusiasts, also have other pursuits in life, both recreational and professional, so, I try to nurture curiosity and questions, not to burn witches at the stake or put them in the ducking chair.

If we aren't willing to look up, not only do we forget where we've been, we cannot see where we're trying to go, and consign ourselves to irrelevancy.

Prove that there is an advantage to cryo rifle barrels or you are the same as all the rest who push this concept.
Talk -talk.

Frankly, I don't see any new technology here. Having worked in the Cryogenic field with both Liquid Nitrogen, and Liquid Helium, I don't know how anyone could even think of containing either medium without a dewar, ( the vacuum jacketed vessel used to ship and store the LiN or Liq. He) With liq. Helium you not only must surround it in an outer vacuum insulated vessel, but radiation shielding (to reduce radiant heat energy) would be necessary in the heat exchanger area to minimize flash-off. Perhaps the OP was referring to a freon based freezing method when describing wrapping the parts to be treated with insulation.
Unless this process uses a closed-loop system where most of the Helium is recovered ( as used in MRI systems), the cost will be prohibitive for gun barrels and the Op admitted there's no guarantee accuracy will improve.......even when taken down to -400' F.
So, we're back to LiN as the medium.... BTDT.
Odd as this may seem, the reason the price is increasing is that we're running out of helium....kinda' hard to synthesize the building blocks of the system :)


I was referring to the fact that there is never an explanation offered as to why our government mandated the sell-off of helium reserves.
Yes, could end the careers of all the Bubbles The Clown gigs out there...unless they resort to Hydrogen filled balloons.....yeah that's the ticket ! Sure won't miss the hordes of those deflated mylar balloons I find during hunting season.