Tuning vs ammo 101 or Chicken & egg



I'm now the proud owner of a used Anschutz 64 with tuner and scope. I need to go about the task of selecting the right match ammo and adjusting the tuner. My understanding is that I am to adjust the tuner to the ammo but, is there a "narrowing" process to determine which ammo before tuning? Or, do you tune with each maker's match ammo and then choose the best combination? If choosing best shooting ammo first, do you remove tuner or adjust it to some theoretical neutral point?

I do realize there are differences lot to lot in ammo and some minor adjusting may be needed periodically but, I'd like to know how to correctly find the best setup.

I appreciate the education here.

Thank you,
Take the tuner off, find which ammo shoots best, put the tuner on, set it to "0", get a new target, shoot 2 shots at the #1, come out one revolution, and shoot the #2 target two times, and so on until you have, "0" to "1" on one row,"1" to "2" on the second row,"2"to"3", "3"to"4", and "4"to"5" all on on target. Keep this target, write down all information, study this, you should see several good groups, pick the best in the middle, set the tuner on the low side of the best group, get a new target and shoot #1 three times, move out five clicks, shoot #2 three times, move out five clicks and continue, until the group starts to open up, you will see a better group, go to the low side and work your way up moving one click, when you find the best spot take some black tape wrap it around the tuner and leave it alone. To be sure you have the best spot repeat the test on another good day...Rod
That sounds excellent. I ordered "everybody's" match ammo. When it comes in, it's off to the range with your guideline.

Thank you very much!

Take the tuner off, find which ammo shoots best, put the tuner on, set it to "0", get a new target, shoot 2 shots at the #1, come out one revolution, and shoot the #2 target two times, and so on until you have, "0" to "1" on one row,"1" to "2" on the second row,"2"to"3", "3"to"4", and "4"to"5" all on on target. Keep this target, write down all information, study this, you should see several good groups, pick the best in the middle, set the tuner on the low side of the best group, get a new target and shoot #1 three times, move out five clicks, shoot #2 three times, move out five clicks and continue, until the group starts to open up, you will see a better group, go to the low side and work your way up moving one click, when you find the best spot take some black tape wrap it around the tuner and leave it alone. To be sure you have the best spot repeat the test on another good day...Rod
Come to south Georgia and I will help you, my brother sell ammo, so you could test and set your tuner and know what ammo your gun likes. it will save you about a year...