

New member
I'm trying to learn the RFBR game.
Do the sub sonic round nose bullets behave in the wind the same as 6mm ppc as shown in Tony Boyer's book on page 282 and 283? Especially in regard to the effect of wind on elevation?
TIA Karl
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I'm thinking that rimfire bullets follow the line of thought more closely than centerfire bullets. I'm also thinking that we don't know all we think we do. On the other hand, whatever set of rules the bullet follows is somewhat unimportant given the ability to shoot a sighter shot.
There's a pretty good way to learn a lot. Get some windflags, and sit down and shoot a lot of rounds in a lot of different conditions at a lot of targets. You'll learn a lot more than you ever will on the internet.
There's a pretty good way to learn a lot. Get some windflags, and sit down and shoot a lot of rounds in a lot of different conditions at a lot of targets. You'll learn a lot more than you ever will on the internet.

I was just thinking getting some tips from the master (Tony Boyer) would shorten the learning curve. Sorry for wasting your time with a stupid question.
I've not read Mr. Boyer's book nor am I familiar with the 6ppc so probably shouldn't reply but...from what I've learned in just the few years I've been doing this is I don't know much. Every time I think I know I drop points.
Every range, every day, & every condition is different for one day or even hour to the next But I'm sure you know that.
Tim gave you some great advice actually. Its the only way to get an idea. But you won't know. Tomorrow will be different. Shoot your sighters & let them be you guide.
Wind flags don't lie. Wind charts do.
Good luck
I was just thinking getting some tips from the master (Tony Boyer) would shorten the learning curve. Sorry for wasting your time with a stupid question.

That answer was dead serious and without substitutions. Tony also happens to be a CF master, not a RF master. Something you may wish to ponder. For a long time, he also shot EVERY day.
Of course you could keep asking until you get the answer you're really seeking, I'm sure that should work out..
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The posts that were here earlier were not deleted. The forum software became corrupted and we had to restore a backup.

Just as well as its Creator didn't want to hear the answers anyway, and couldn't believe this game wasn't so simple that all he had to do was ask one question, then go from there. Besides, I doubt very much that Tony would have responded after reading the gratitude we were shown because of just trying to help a newbie out.

Thanks for everything you do.

Dave Shattuck
No harm. My good friend Tony Boyer has heard it all before, and will again. His saving grace is he does not "do the internet." bob
I'm thinking that rimfire bullets follow the line of thought more closely than centerfire bullets. I'm also thinking that we don't know all we think we do. On the other hand, whatever set of rules the bullet follows is somewhat unimportant given the ability to shoot a sighter shot.

I agree with Wilbur. We shoot local 22RF matches at 50 and 100 yards, and I'd say the 22 bullet is affected in crosswind at 100 yards about double what a CF is at 200 yards. And it's something like 3-4 times more sensitive to head and tailwind. You could, of course, plug all this into a ballistic calculator and get the exact numbers, except for the change in elevation with crosswind. Most calculators don't do that.

I'm thinking that rimfire bullets follow the line of thought more closely than centerfire bullets. I'm also thinking that we don't know all we think we do. On the other hand, whatever set of rules the bullet follows is somewhat unimportant given the ability to shoot a sighter shot.

Tell the truth Wilbur. You 're just like the rest of us. How many times have you centerpunched an X on a sighter, sometimes a couple, immediately followed by a hard 9 where it counts?
So often that I'm almost surprised we haven't incorporated a handicapping system where you can replace your worse scoring shot with your best sighter?

Senior Sporter Division

Allow those over 65+ to use a 9X Scope or lower. Creates a new scoreline and record division. Cataracts, dry eyes, tri-focals oh my.

i agree on the scope power.... the 6x is a divide the pie in four and square the xhairs + it's a guessing game i've never used with my sporter in the squirrel the sporter class mainly to attract new blood to the game ? jmho.
i agree on the scope power.... the 6x is a divide the pie in four and square the xhairs + it's a guessing game i've never used with my sporter in the squirrel the sporter class mainly to attract new blood to the game ? jmho.

Not sure if it ever was...but it's surely not now. Imagine showing up at a 50/50 match with a squirrel rifle.