Trigger interchange

Fred J

Active member
Has anyone tried to install a 52C,D or E trigger in a Browning 52 B or C?
Does anyone have a full side view photo of the Browning 52B or C Trigger?

I can provide a picture of a Winchester 52 reproduction trigger. I'm pretty sure that it's identical to the Browning 52 repo other than the roll marks on the barrel. A frend got a 52D trigger back from Kenyon a couple of years ago not long before he stopped doing trigger work and it looked the same as my Japanese trigger if that helps. I think I'm correct that at that time Kenyon would do repo 52 triggers as well as originals.

Let me know if you want a picture of my repo trigger.


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Browning Repo


Yes, I need to see the Browning Repo Trigger photos. Can you send one of both sides. my email is . The Brownings were a fair copy of the Winchester, but the Trigger turned a lot of people off. I've worked on a couple Repo triggers, but never took the time to compare them side by side. Those I did the work on, have moved on or away.

FWIW- When the Browning was introduced I talked to the CANJAR people and was told their 52 triggers would NOT fit them. They can be "worked on" however.
Good shooting!
How about this

Will a Winchester 52D trigger fit the Browning Repo? I know the Browning Repo trigger can be improved, as I have done that. Sure wish Canjar was still in business, I need some parts.
took an spare 52D trigger and replaced it with the one on a repo 52B. works with no problem.
I installed an original "C" trigger in a Browning repro. It works well. The one thing that I seem to remember is having to swap one of the mounting screws because the Browning was metric. Lately I have just worked on the Browning trigger for about a 2-3 pound pull. I would do one for you if you like. Mike
Thanks for the offer

I've already done a couple of them, and didn't get any complaints. They moved away and I lost contact with tem, so I don't know if they are still operating safely. I've another project in my mind, and that's why I was inquiring. Thanks again for clearing the air.
I have a Winchester 52 micro-motion trigger without the safety. What is it worth?

Go to gunbroker and check past sales, you may be surprised.

I made up a custom squirrel rifle using one of the Winchester repros. Restocked it AAA American walnut, old red WInchester model 70 supergrade butt pad, etc.. The repro triggers had a limit pin that limited adjusting the pull to a resonable level, that once removed would let 'em go down to around a pound or a tad more. I did the Kenyon job on mine and got it down to around 3 ozs.. With a handlapped barrel and Tenex, it shoots. She's a sleeper. Looks like a squirrel rifle and shoots like a BR rifle.
Looks like a squirrel rifle and shoots like a BR rifle. ..............

that's what i if i kin find a handy dandy gunsmith what would
do that kinda job fer me, i'd be happier than a hog in slop:cool::D
I've probably got more $$$ and time in that rifle than in one of my BR rifles:)
Seriously, one a good day it'd hold it's own in a BR match. It's just harder to shoot from a bench, because of the sporting type stock with the rounded forearm. But, it's not a bench gun anyway, it's hunting rifle:)
Anyway, I just built it for my personal squirrel rifle, in case I ever wanted to go squirrel hunting.
i sold the kimber for what i had in it, it wouldn't shoot like a benchrest rifle, because you didn't own it and you the only gunsmithing you do is on your own rifles;)
i'm on the hunt for a savage anschutz 54's a pretty vexing thing !

to shoot around here your rifle has to look like a sows ear and shoot like a silk purse...i don't know any top smith that would take a factory sporter and
work it over, drop it back in a glass/ pillar bedded factory stock to make a sleeper/killer sporter even if i wanted to spend that cash..i'm learnin more everyday, ya hear the 52 repro's won't shoot, BUT if the right tinkerer does da tinkering...LO and behold THEY will shoot..i said all that and don't drink a lick:D
I am not sue if a C, or D model. I got this trigger several year's ago from a smallbore shooting friend when he changed to a Kenyon trigger. My rifle was the B model so I never used it. I thought it came out on the C model, and would fit the D. Can you tell me how to identify?

The model really isn't an issue as they were basically the same. The later "D" had a slight change on the middle lever (trigger lever) but they are basically the same.
A side pic and I can tell you.

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