Topshot reality show

Ya know... I've seen a few people comment on his shot when making the vote. Do you really think that under the circumstances - just let your team down, you're most likely getting voted off yourself, and you're on camera... that you'd do any better? I'm guessing he was under just a wee bit of strain at the time. Yes, he flubbed the rifle stage... but there's no point in flogging the poor guy about everything and anything. YMMV
Yes, I agree there would be some pressure, but, the other shooters... they did it & they didn't have any pressure on them at all did they?
There are days when I wouldn't do anything in front of a camera... I didn't ask to be on the show either. I'm just saying he looked really bad to be in contention for a title.
Having said that, I'm surprised they didn't come up with some well tuned rifles to use so that it would be more realistic to the shooters & more impressive to the viewers. Who wants to see a top shooter keep launching bullets at a target with a rack grade rifle until he gets lucky enough to hit the target before the other guy? I'd rather watch the show and say "Damn, these guys are good".
BTW:is YMMV your milage may very?
The thing I noticed about the shooter that got voted off is that after he couldn't hit the 100yd target he almost missed the pistol shot that cast his vote and then he couldn't hit a 400yd target to save his ass.
They got rid of the right shooter and they did it at the best time.
That would be hard to live with, screwing up that bad on TV.

I'm just wondering how much was self induced stress. He set himself up as the leader and was pretty confident going into the relay but once he started missing things went downhill quickly. It would have been interesting if a second shooter was able to connect with that rifle.

week two- All i know is i dont like Brad on the red team. he needs to go. way to many excuses!! Lee
Yeah, I thought we were gonna get rid of him in good time too, but, that ole cop got to thinking and that didn't work out for him at all.
I dont think ole Brad's gonna make to the end.
'They' aren't chatting so much as one individual, Adam Benson (aka 'BamBam from the Blue Team) posted some info. The rest of the thread is circling the toilet bowl, in typical arfcom fashion: thread (18 pages and growing). Look for posts by 'USMCBamBam' (gag, sorry) starting somewhere around pg 8 or 9. Most of the rest is people talking trash, other people talking smack about the trash talkers, etc. and so on.

Looks like someone posted another link on there... apparently 'Brad' is chiming in over on The Firing Line.., round-about page 12 or so...

Interesting to note that neither individual was a member on either forum before this came up... yet they chose those particular venues.
Something not quite right

In a previous post
"After filming the show, Kelly and his grandpa spent the morning and afternoon here at the ranch. It was a pleasure to meet and talk to both of them. Kelly helped me with my prone shooting, and also got the chance to shoot my rimfire rifle at an ARA target and did very well. He's bright, humble and passionate about his shooting. Kelly was not allowed to talk about the show and wish him success."

The poster who spent actual time with Kelly stated Kelly was not allowed to talk about the show.

So whats up with these other guys posting info that was not in the show on a public forum?

Or is it really those guys?

Honestly, I don't know for sure. Another person who was supposedly down to the final selection process backed out after reading the marketing agreement that he would have to sign - something to the effect that if he or anyone else used his name in conjunction with the show or otherwise for up to a year after the final episode airs, he could be sued by the show producers. Whether they all read the fine print that close or not...?

Found several more threads over on the Brian Enos forums where cast members are 'posting'. If they are 'staged', then someone had the foresight to create the accounts there several years in advance...
I will not attempt to answer for Butch but in the manner of question it is not much different than American Idol, Survivor, So You think you can dance and many of the others.
This show while interesting really has nothing to do with actually being the "Top Shot" not when people can be voted off over the fact that others just dont like them or that a guy who just can shoot gets to stay just because his team won.
Dan and Vern,
I don't believe I encouraged or discouraged any body from watching the show. I printed a link for the folks that wanted to watch it on their computer.
Yes, while we are at it I hope the kid kicks their A$$.
What do you guys watch on TV that is more valuable and a better use of your time!
Dan and Vern,
I don't believe I encouraged or discouraged any body from watching the show. I printed a link for the folks that wanted to watch it on their computer.
Yes, while we are at it I hope the kid kicks their A$$.
What do you guys watch on TV that is more valuable and a better use of your time!


No matter how odd the format, it’s still a made for TV show that has guns on it.
Nobody is acting like an idiot safety wise (so far).

If this were one of the big 3 networks, when the contestants picked up a gun, they would start to talk with a southern accent, drool, and start stalking innocent victims.
On the majors, everyone would have to compete wearing swimsuits and meet in the hot tub each night.

As long as the contestants aren’t portrayed as nuts for even wanting to touch a gun, I say more power to ‘em.
Go Kelly, the lady Cop, the pistol silhouette guy, and naturally, the Cowboy…
Well for me as jeff said it does have guns in it so it has my attention no matter how much I am put off by it.
However as I stated before it reaks of being like survivor, american idol and others.
As to what I watch I do watch all of the gun shows that come on the "Outdoor" channel like "Shooting Gallery" "Impossible shots" and all the others.
They have currently hit the rerun stage but any way.