Tony's Book

zini72: To hijack this thread to voice some political view is not only impolite, but against the spirit if this forum. I see you are relatively new to this forum...but think twice before using another persons thread to voice an unrelated view.
I was at the Super Shoot.
50% of the vehicles were of foreign head stamp....????????
So much for supporting your neighbor.
I was at the Super Shoot.
50% of the vehicles were of foreign head stamp....????????
So much for supporting your neighbor.

Strange that...I have a 2002 Mercury Grand Marquis made in Canada. I also had a 1998 Ford 150, made in Mexico. I have a Toyota Tundra made in San Antonio with an engine made in Alabama and glass from Penn. Now isn't that neighborly!!

No more unrelated responses on this thread for me...

I don't care where Tony's book is published even in Russia I want to buy a soft copy and a hard copy. Don't need the signature cover I know Tony. You cry babies that have been botherin Tony to write the book for years should be takin behind the wood shed. The shooters that stepped forward to get the project done and find a publisher so the book doesn't cost $100 should be allowed to put welts on some narthywells behind the wood shed. nuff said.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Go get em, Stephen.
I agree, totally with Stephen.
Stop you're whining. We know you shop at Sam's Club and Wally World. And drive a vehicle with foreign head stamps. And order from MidwayUSA.
Which is way COOL. The Potterfields are great people. And give back to the sport.
Berger Bullets. I sat next to Nelson Berger at the Super Shoot. Very nice gentleman. :)
Eric Stecker was there. Did not recognize him. He was clean shaven. But, on the last day I saw 10 boxes of T-shirts. Berger shirts.
They were not for sale. But, free......
There is a raffle at the NBRSA Nationals at Kansas City. $5.00 for 2 tickets. Prize one of those Fancy thingies that wives make. To resemble the US Flag. And 500 Hottenstein 68 BT.
Tickets can be bought at any NBRSA shoot.
Ths is the Truth. When I was the NBRSA/IBS Shoot Director for 11 years of Registered Shoots at San Gabriel Valley Benchrest Shooters, the last 4 years I had were Shooter Appreciation Shoots. The Appreciation Shoots were always in November. Some years NBRSA some years IBS. I carved out $100 dollars from each Shoot we had during the year to buy the give away BR stuff, I ended each year with a $100 to the good on purpose to help start the next year's Shoots. We shot 12 Shoots a year, 11 Registered.and I set money aside to buy merchandise for the November Merchandise Shoot from each Shoot. I bought BR stuff for the November Shoots and my official scorer bought handy tools for the shooters. Several years we had raffles for new Krieger barrels that Lester gave us a discount on. For the 2005 Shooter appeciation Shoot I counted $14,000 of merchandise we give away, free gratis. We had 47 shooters for that Shoot our largest ever. Lou Murdica brought 8 shooters counting himself and Tom Libby donated 10,000 Don Spencer bullets the good ones. Berger's donated bullets, shirts, and whatever. I made 500 bullets to donate. ZIA donatedbullets. cheek donated bullets. We also had several gunsmithing certicates. Mike Bryant donated a free barrel chamber job. Bruno, Hoehn, Allied- Krazinski and Russ Haydon donated Merchandise. We had well over 200 items to choose from each shooter chose 3 items and I had so much left over that I gave the rest away in a couple Shoots the next year.

This was in addition to our 2 BR Schools in 2004 and 2006 where I taught bullet making with my equipment, jackets and wire free gratis from my stash. Instructors I lined up to teach bullet making were Walt Berger, Don Spencer, Perry Morton and Eric Stecker. I had my Tony Boyer interview tape Tony and Faye made at the Super Shoot maybe 2004, I played the tape several times during the School. I brouht out all my Rifle, Handloader, Precision Shooting, Shooting News, and NBRSA News magazines and all my BR books. Filled 2 folding tables. Louie said lots of reading was going on. We also fed everybody with a barbeque chicken lunch the works and all the drinks. I paid for everything out of the profits. We have group pictures for both under San Gabriel Valley BR School 2004 and 2006. Notable instructors were Don Nielson, Perry Morton HoF, Dennis Thornberry, Lou Murdica, 6mmBR, Gary Sinclair, Jon Loh, Walt Berger HoF, Lester Bruno HoF, Mike Sosenko, Tom Libby, Lawrence Weisdorn, Gene Deloney, Danny Moscaritolo, Don Jackson, Dave Blazzard, Mike Marcelli. I'm sure I forget some instructors but I'll check my history on the Schools. These were all the instructors from 2 Schools most instructed at both schools. I instructed and planned both Schools. All these instructors were from the SW Region except Perry Morton who I flew in for the 2004 School, Perry and I have been friends since 1977. All kinds of highlights were at the Schools but bullet making and gunsmithing were most notable for me. Don Nielson attended both and taught case prep with his neck turning tools.

The 2006 San Gabriel Benchrest School is on 6mmBR in the Archived Article section easy to find. I charged the same $35 for each School and the students got to Shoot an afternoon agg coached by most of the Instructors. To be honest I got my idea for the Schools from the first couple IBS BR Schools.

To get this clear I ain't no hero, I just care about our guys and benchrest.

Where there is a will there is a Way. I am a talker but am more a doer and finisher more. When Angeles BR starts up next year I will be NBRSA Shoot Director again, we will plan for another BR School and I'll teach bullet making again.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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your point.

I was just trying to help the NBRSA World Champs next shoot.
When Barb Hottenstein ask me to buy some tickets at the Super Shoot. That was my first knowledge of the Raffle.
Elisabeth Reed asked if I would be interested in the "Red Hat" cook book. Also to help the US Team get to the World BR Tournament.
Both very nice people. I could not refuse the offer.
Greg Reed and Lowell Hottenstein have helped me be a better BR shooter. Along with some other famous shooters................Jack and Joe.
You would not know that looking at my score..............
Maybe you need to come out to California for our Angeles BR School probably in 2012 and sell all the tickets you want. You might go away a better shooter and a better person. That's an invite.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Unless I am mistaken the books were suppose to be handed out and signed a the Super Shoot.
However looking at the list Tony and Faye both have empty slots as though they didnt shoot.
Were the books released at the SS?
Butch if Tony shot he nor fay have any stats in the results Wilbur posted just empty lines.
I can't answer for the posted results. I saw Faye and Tony both shoot. I visited with them several times. My wife visited with Faye a couple times. They didn't have a good SS by their standards, but they shot the whole week.
Ahhh ok, sorry Butch I didnt realize you went.
What happened with the books?
Vern this is from the results that Wilbur posted.
10.5 .197 50T .158 11T .281 140T .182 25 .438 254 .179 20 .2476 49 10 1/2 .2599 29
200 .473 88T .506 69 .481 37 .499 56 .701 157 .535 79 .2722 33

13.5 .173 28T .354 232T .236 64T .265 114 .286 152 .330 158T .2942 133 13 1/2 .2950 80T
200 .903 254T .514 97 .747 157 .514 51 .533 83T .651 125 .2959 60 2 GUN .2774 40

10.5 .163 19 .242 79T .308 172T .194 33T .237 77T .219 54T .2400 36T 10 1/2 .2505 18
200 .242 6 .430 35 .480 35T .710 153 .465 51T .525 72 .2610 25

13.5 .158 19 .293 171T .249 88 .203 42 .262 118T .297 132T .2608 69 13 1/2 .2575 24
200 .309 13 .330 10 .855 206 .366 8T .521 75 .471 44T .2543 16 2 GUN .2540 16
I thought I posted that they sold soft backs at the SS and the hard backs will be available in July. I believe the first part of this thread has an order blank if you would like one.
Butch, I placed the order last year.
Somehow when I converted the data to a spread sheet I must have been looking at Tony's info after sorted or something. CRS maybe.
I went back and looked and it was all there. Sorry for the confusion.
Tonys Book

I will be handeling Tony's book however it will not be available until sometime in July, however we are taking back orders at this time.

Lester Bruno

Bruno Shooters Supply
Lester, If I have already placed an order with Mustafa do I need to replace that order with you? Or will I be getting the original book I ordered from him?
Lester, If I have already placed an order with Mustafa do I need to replace that order with you? Or will I be getting the original book I ordered from him?

This is a very good question on behalf of those who've already gotten on the 'list' . . .
I received this from Mustafa
Vern, you are on the list. You and everyone else will be notified and directed to a website for payment and shipping details. The books arrive in July. Thank you.

Mustafa Bilal
Turk's Head