Tomball windflags.


russell m

I read in the NBRSA rule book that flags can't be any taller than bench top to bottom of target. If they are you will be asked to lay them down. This would be trouble. If I were to set a flag out at 75 yards how tall could it be to be legal?
russell m
Russell, the middle of the Tomball range has a high part and causes wind flag problems. You better have short ones or share with somebody else.

The right hand side of the range, from about Bench 15 out, requires flags that are pretty short, no more than 16 inches tall, in the middle.
If you want, you can share a bench with me. I have flags that are specially for Tomball, and Denton, which has the same problem.
I don't know if you are shooting the Unlimited Saturday, (it's 10 shot), but we can team up Sunday for the HV. ......JACKIE
Jackie Thank You for the offer but I won't be able to make the Match on th 15,16. My Daughter is getting married that weekend. But the Match in April I don't think there is any force that could keep me from it!!!!!! russell
Tomball Flags

Jackie, I will just shooting H.V. Sunday. I would like to share a bench & flags .I will be over miday sat. Robert

Sounds like a plan. Since we are not likely to have enough Unlimited Shooters to fill two relays, I will make sure that Ken Star keeps a spot for you on the second Relay Sunday on my bench. Heck,if you get there early enough Saturday, you can help me set my flags for the Unlimited 200 Saturday Afternoon. See you there.........jackie
Now Francis......

Robert and I are good friends. I promise that I will leave the Cat-of Nine-Tails in the Motorhome.
I suppose in Ancient Times, the shooters had slaves to set windflags at Benchrest Matches. I KNOW that is who made the darned bullets.........jackie

Thanks Jackie, I will be there in time. Robert