Tomball Results

jackie schmidt

New member
We had another good turnout for our 3d Club Match of the season yesterday. 34 shooters came out and by all accounts, everyone had a great time.
The typical Tomball conditions didn't even give the shooters one match with some easy conditions, by 9 it was already nasty, with no two flags pointing in the same direction. The Results:

Russel Mathews.......245 4x (AR-15)
Blake Perry.............238 2x
Bradly Hodges.........232

Al Elliot.................249 15x (Legal HBR Rifle)
Steve Stewart.......248 10x
Glenn Oaks............247 16x

Benchrest Class:
Nick Marino............250 20x
Andy Uzdavines......250 17x
Ed Bernabeo..........250 15x

Thanks to all the shooters who came out, and thanks to the Tomball Gun Club for allowing the use of their range........jackie
Congratulations to Russell, Al, and Nick for your fine wins.
Kudos to all the other shooters who turned out as well. The turnout of good shooters makes a win at Tomball tough to achieve.

Newbie - hesitant - first time shooter at this Tomball match and I had a great time!!
Thanks to Jackie for running a great event and thanks to the other competitors who gave "suggestions"....especially another first-timer "Jay" - who was the guy shooting a heavy barrel pistol off my assigned bench but on the first relay. That recoil was wild, impressive and didn't hurt his good score in those switchy conditions (and we didn't have flags....which was good because we did not know how to use em anyway).

So unprepared, arrived late, and the conditions....I had been away from BR for quite a few years, so I brought an old 6X47 (222Mag) on an XP100 built by the late TJ Jackson. The gun had been left untouched in my safe for 9 years...and the old 20x Lyman scope focus on it was way out of adjustment for me.....because I now wear bi-focals and kept fiddling with both ends of the scope, only making the sight picture worse . Still a poor excuse for low score of 241/4x and definitely my bad for not practicing and making adjustments well before the match. But I have LOTZ of room for improvement now, and I plan to be back at the next match in August.
Thanks for the fun and support,
- paul (newbie in houston)