Tomball Gun Club 2012 Club Match Schedule

jackie schmidt

New member
Here are are five dates for our 2012 Club Match Dates for the Tomball Gun Club. All dates are on the first Sunday of that Month

Feb 5.....100 yards
Mar 4.....200 yards
June 3....100 yards
Aug 5.....100 yards
Oct 7......200 yards

I scheduled it so that the 200 yard matches will be in the nicer weather. The format for the Shooter of the Year will still be the best 4 out of 5 matches, so a shooter will have to use at least one 200 yard match for his tabulation. Also, with the last match at 200, that leaves the door open for anything to happen. For those of you who shoot score, especially at Tomball, you know what I mean.

We are also going to give awards for 1st, 2d, and 3d for the shooter of the year, as well as an award for the shooter with the highest X count in one match.

The Class Format will be the same, Factory, Modified, and Benchrest. Awards for the top three finishers in each class. We will continue to use the Ribbons as awards, they will be a little fancier this year, but Ribbons instead of plaques helps keep the cost down for our Club Matches. I personally think the Ribbons are quite attractive. The entry will continue to be $15.

If you have any questions about the Classes, feel free to ask them right here.

Gates will open at 6:am, we start the warmup promptly at 9:am.

I look forward to having as good of turnouts as we have had in the past 3 years, as long as shooters are willing to come out and shoot, we will make every effort to provide them a place to do just that............jackie
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shoot at Tomball

Yes, come shoot at Tomball. Watch out for Old Leviathan the 800 pound snapping turtle who likes to lurk out in the swamps bordering the range. The loading areas are great if you are a herpetologist with an interest in large vipers. Then there is Jackie himself the only person able to scare Old Leviathan and the aforementioned snakes. He scares the bejesus out of these critters. What he does to human beings can only be imagined. If you still want to shoot there better carry a bang stick the kind they use to kill sharks. If Jackie comes your way try to pop him in the head or groin and then run. You will only stun him for a few seconds. Tim
Yes, come shoot at Tomball. Watch out for Old Leviathan the 800 pound snapping turtle who likes to lurk out in the swamps bordering the range. The loading areas are great if you are a herpetologist with an interest in large vipers. Then there is Jackie himself the only person able to scare Old Leviathan and the aforementioned snakes. He scares the bejesus out of these critters. What he does to human beings can only be imagined. If you still want to shoot there better carry a bang stick the kind they use to kill sharks. If Jackie comes your way try to pop him in the head or groin and then run. You will only stun him for a few seconds. Tim

Thanks for the heads up, the place sounds pretty ominous. Any crazy witchdoctors/radiologists down there too?
No but there is a dentist that you should avoid at all cost....
Zombie make sure you take extra gas for the chain saw blender......
Has anyone ever noticed that Doc Tim kind of G L O W S green at night sorta like something radioactive.......