Todd Banks Wins Holbrook's Unlimited in tough conditions!


New member
The Weather Man was right. The rain stopped BUT 20-30 switchy winds with gusts to 45 mph. Thanks to Peter Wass for his first time coming to Holbrook from Maine. Also to Todd Banks and Pete Roberson coming from NY.

Frist three Places for each target and total

Shooter score X

Al Hadfield 247 13X first
Bob Hill 247 10X second
Todd Banks 246 11X third
Al Hadfield 247 11X first
Penny Hadfield 247 9X second FM 16
Michael Gallant 247 9X third FM 10
Bob Hill 246 9X first
Todd Banks 245 11X second
Pete Roberson 245 8X third
Total AGG
Todd Banks 738 29X first
Bob Hill 737 31X second
Al Hadfield 736 32X third

Picture of calm wind flags

David and Penny scoring, Al and Bob in background

Firing line Bob,Peter,Todd,Pete,David

More Firing line Penny, AL H.,Michael,AL J.

Peter Wass from Maine

Todd and Pete from NY

Thanks for all the help in setup and take down!
David, Penny and Pete for scoring.

See you all next season and Thanks for shooting at Holbrook this year.

Paul Bendix
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It was good to see such a large turnout for the last Holbrook of the season. Good job Paul!

My friend Ray Hill has a saying..."The conditions were very 'sporty'." Boy were they ever, my new John Deere hat went flying more than once. Congrats to Todd for the agg win and a big congratulations to that "youngster" Bob. We got'a watch out for him next year!

Hope everyone has a safe winter. See you all next year.

Thanks for hosting the matches at Holbrook this year Paul.
Yesterday was certainly a challenge, but groaning and complaining about missed shots is always more fun with a good group of people.

Congratulations to the winners -- looking forward to next year.


Thanks for posting the results.

Congrats to Todd WC Banks for the win in what looked like pretty tough conditions.

Kevin Kunkle

Thank you for hosting another great match. Sorry about leap frogging over you and Ray for 3nd in the SOTY...:)

Todd, thanks for the schooling in those ferocious conditions..Great job! Mr. Al Hadfield thanks for all the tutoring and encouragement you have provided throughout the course of the season.
To Pete Roberson, Pete Wass, David, Michael, Penny, and Al Joly..Great shooting with you folks. What a excellent group! Also Big thanks to Gordon Eck for building that world beater rifle... I hope to see you all next season. That was definately a fun first season.. I'll be back! Be safe and have a nice winter!

Thanks to all,Bob Hill
Another thanks for running the matches at Holbrook. Everything about the range is great...except the weather! It was good to shoot with the MA. crowd again.
Bob, I wouldn't call it "schooling", more like luck. Congrats on your second place finish and for taking 3rd in the SOTY against some tough competition! This is your first year shooting, right?
See you all in the Spring!
Paul, Once again, thank you for all that you and the others have done to promote our sport! Without people like you I'm afraid everything here in the Northeast would have simply faded away. My biggest regret is that my body has begun to fail me in enough ways so that I am unable to keep Pinnacle Mountain in the mix, plus as of late am not even sure if I'll be able to compete until I get out of bed on game day. Luckily, between you, Michael, Todd and now Pete the future of both Rim Fire and Air Rifle Benchrest is looking strong here in the Northeast.

Al and Penny, Congratulations on yet another fine season of shooting! It is always a pleasure to shoot with you both as you are what the fabric of benchrest is all about.

Bob, Your future is looking totally awesome! Between you and your dad it's looking like there may be a new family act poised to sit atop the leader board, and to give the Hadfields a run for their titles.

Michael, You my friend are what the past present and future of benchrest are all about! You are a true Gentleman that is always ready to not only take the lead at ever turn, but to always be there to lend a helping hand whenever necessary.

I look forward to next year and seeing you all once again at the benches.

Dave Shattuck
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Thanks Paul

Glad I was finally able to attend one of your matches. Very nice facility, Super Host and a great group of folks to spend the day with. I'll Be Back!


I'm hoping it wasn't beginners luck....:) I feel fortunate enough to receive some great tutoring. Shooting with the best around certainly helps one's confidence.. Really looking forward to next season. I do hope we all get some Good Ammo for next year as well.....And without Paul Bendix to run the matches, there would be no SOTY at Holbrook...Thanks again Paul!

Bob Hill