To my dear friend!!Chet Amick !!



I didn`t want to post this but this weekend I and many other of his friends have really lost a very dear and close friend and I know I will never go a day without missing him and the friendship and good times he gave to me . I know the day I met him we were instant friends like the so many people he touched in his life. This is going to effect alot of people , but always remember that smile, he always did his best for everybody and anybody. He never got any credit for what he himself accomplished, he did something seven times no one , I mean no one has ever done indoors or out doors ever , I mean never did seven 250 25x targets and one 250 24x target with 5 different guns and four different barrel makers. All his close friends witnessed these Bob Holbrunner , Paul Wilmouth , Ray Price( fossill) and all his friends at Hagerstown MD. My very best to all his friends that are missing him , I loved him TOO!The best to his Family Jeanne, Sharron, Sherrie , My heart goes out to you , I wish I could ease the pain , we will always remember and smile back my friend , we love YA , Gary!! lugnuts
Your Friend........

Was this the gentleman you were discussing just last season? I am very sorry for your loss and that of his family.
Chet Amick

Indeed a fine man. His passing has left a void in this world, a better man has not passed this way.
We are diminished.
Chet touched more lives than you think, Gary. I had some ammo that he shot some of those 250-25x's and doubted myself for it's worth. Looking back, which is hindsight 20/20, just in the last month I realized it was incredible stuff. But I watched very closely to your every post about his scores. I noticed his accomplishments. I noticed his being. I give him credit for that which a good friend of his (you Gary) posted and praised him for and his accomplishments. I am sorry for you, his family, and all of his other friends in his loss. I'll be praying for you all! God has a way of healing those who are hurting.

To a friend of over 45 years!

This is my first post and not under the best circumstances. Myself and another friend, Jim McKenzie, and Chet all became "gun nuts" at about the same time. Chet's interest was because he loved and was intrigued by the workings and craftsmanship of nice guns and also as a release from the rigors and demands of starting his transmission shop. I have had numerous transmissions done by Chet at his shop and was always treated fairly and honestly. The same way he would have wanted to be treated. You never had to worry if the job was done right. If anything went wrong, it usually never did, he would make it right, no questions asked. He became interested in the workings of rimfire about 5 years ago. He learned to lap barrels by trial and error until he got it right. He tried different methods of chambering until he found one that he was satisfied with. Chet was a perfectionist when it came to reading the wind. He would go to the range and set his flags and sit for hours and study them without firing a shot. If Chet told anyone about shooting, ammo or anything related to this Benchrest game, and he told many to help them, if you didn't pay attention the first time, then it was your problem. He would only tell his secrets up to a certain point. I stopped to see Chet when was working on Lugnuts guns about 1 1/2 years ago. and started watching his results weekly. I have never met him yet, but since Chet became serious, I have come to know him through E-mails, I feel his loss of a good friend. In less than 3 hours I will be going to the visitation. It is going to be a long trip. I only regret that I didn't get to spend more time with him this last year and watch a master craftsman at work and maybe pick up some of his "secrets". I thank you, Gary for your friendship to Chet and the respect and honor you gave to him in order to achieve your accomplishments. Keep in touch and if you want to, send me your phone number by my home e-mail. God Bless you!
I will sorely miss Chet. Even as I write this, I want to pick up the phone and call Chet as we talk on just about a daily basis. Chet came to my home 5 maybe 6 years ago and he had never built a .22 match rifle at that time. He had built many centerfire rifles, but nothing in rimfire to my knowledge. I knew from that time on that Chet would get involved in the world of .22 building. And brother, did he ever!! Since that time he has built the BEST rifles I have ever had the pleasure to shoot. He had the lapping process down to a science, and was able to measure every inch of that barrel on the inside. Chet was a class act in every sense of the word, always open to anyone, and always willing to help. I am sure Chet will be looking down at us, smiling as we try to accomplish what he has done many times. I have been blessed to have met him and to have been able to call him my friend ... Bob Holbruner
To my dear friend!! Chet Amick!!

I want to thank everybody yesterday evening at the calling hours for being so warm and wellcoming to me and Jack, most of whom I`ve never met and I missed some I wanted to see also Bob , Paul, the fossil etc but I`m kind of glad I didn`t because I was bawling like a little baby and I miss him already , but we all have so many fond memories of Chet but wanted so many more. Thanks so much to Jeanne, Sharron , Shellie and Royce and Cus Eldin and all his friends for showing me how much he was loved and we will never forget, your friend always Gary!!
Chet Was A Very Elegent Man And Fine Person. It Was An Honor To Be Called His Friend. I Will Miss Him. Farewell My Friend ....... Farewell


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I never had the privelage of meeting Chet, but I wish I could have had that privelage. I know I would have enjoyed discussing rimfires with him. I heard nothing but good things about him. He will definitely be missed.
Like Bob and Gary I'll miss the guy. Through my dear friend Gary I was introduced to Chester and over the last 18 months or so I've cherished our conversations and became pretty good friends, I've been fascinated with how to make these little SOB's work and he shared untold amounts of time discussing it with me. I'll miss the talks and the friendship he offered.
Chet was a true gentleman and a great competitor. I'll enjoy remembering the times and discussions we shared together. Chet raised the bar higher for the shooting world, we all have something to shoot for. Maybe one day, one of us will achieve what Ched did several times.
Chet, we'll miss you!
As a beginner...

I was made aware of Chet Amick about a month ago. I wanted to learn about lapping.
So I looked up what he had done and was totally astounded.

It is very sad when People leave for a better place but although they are gone we have our memories. My Aunt passed last week.

We have a short time here on this earth..people like Mr Amick make me want to be a better person.

Take care.

Thank you...

On behalf of my family, I want to thank all of Dad's "Gun Buddies" for their concern and support throughout his illness. The many phone calls and well wishes were a comfort to him, especially during his last few weeks. He was truly touched by the generous spirit and the outpouring of affection directed toward him. Dad really embraced the rimfire scene, and he spoke often of how much he enjoyed competing and talking to all of you. This week, my family and I got to meet many of you and finally got to "put a face to a voice
on the phone". Although, the circumstances were not what we would have wished for, the fact that so many people cared about him...and wanted us to know that...was overwhelming to say the least. You are an incredible group and I am greatful for the friendship that you extended to my Dad.

Sharon Amick
Chet was a freind that will be greatly missed.A short story about the kind of freind Chet was I was lucky enough for him to put one of his barrels on my gun a couple of summers ago.He had tested the gun and found that it liked a certain lot of SK standard ammo but he only had a few boxes left and he let me have them.This past summer while shooting at the Fort Hill Rifle and Pistol club he told me that he had found that same lot # out west somewhere and ordered both cases the man had and offered me that ammo because he rememberd it shot well in my gun.That was just Chet always helping someone out.My girlfriend likes to shoot also and he would sometimes let her shoot one of his guns at the match and coach her on the wind and of course now she out shoots me more times than not.Christi and I will both greatly miss him at the matches.A person could have no better a friend. Sadly missed, Jim:(
I Will

Sorley Miss Chet.. We Would Go To The Club Every Week And Shoot Indoors And He Was Something Special.... He Would Say Harry, I Just Put A Barrel On This Gun And I Want You To Shoot It... Here Is A Case Of Ammo And Go At It... He Would Stay All Day And Test Rifles And Wear Me And Bob Out Shooting Them.... Some Of His Guns Were Mind Bogling How They Shot So I Knew That He Mastered Something And They Were Not Mistakes.. I Am Thankfull For The Little Time I Knew Him... Harry..