To all of our Veterans....


New member
I have never served in our Nations military, but have had the honor over the past few months of participating in the motorcycle escort and flag lines at the funerals of several of our young men who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our Country and our Freedom. I know that many of the folks that I have shot with over the last seven years have fought for our Country, and I would just like to say "Thank You". I found this video on YouTube that says it all.....

Todd Banks
Amen, way to go todd banks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy winke
DSCN1293.jpg my dad onChristmas day, New Guiniea 1943
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DSCN1287.jpg the last 2 photos are from Baggio Phillipienes after the fall of their summer capital
Didn't see you said it was your dad at first.


Mostly from the Philippines 1944-45. Cebu. Americal Division. And that's not me either.
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Todd.............................................. ...................................

Thanks so much for serving in the Honor Guard, you'll never know how much that means to the family. Your a great friend and a Patriot!
Semper Fi
Phil Deese
What veterans think:

I visit with a group of Vietnam Era Vets most Tuesday mornings and this week the trepidation of Veteran's Day was the topic. Many Vets, actually, are uncomfortable with being thanked and don't really know what to do with the gesture. Of the 20 or so in that group this week, nobody was comfortable knowing tomorrow was coming and none know what to say when thanked. Many feel angry when thanked, because of the past. Some of them marched in the local parade last year but all of them won' this year.

Most of it stems from the way they were treated, both when serving and after they returned. Back then, people loathed them for what they had been and done and all knew it. The hurt of all of that has not healed and may never.

That's one group. There are more, in numbers, in our newer soldiers. More of them than us won't feel good about Vetran's Day, going forward.

A statistic quoted in the meeting Tuesday was 7000 Vets committed suacide (SP?) last year. Chilling, to say the least. As chilling is of the 700,000 homeless in America, 70 percent are vets.
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When you fight a war of attrition and the attrition rate is around 16:1, it's hard to say you lost. I was a teenager when the Vietnam war ended and I had one view of it then (not bad) and I have another now (still not bad, just more correct). But I don't think most people loathed veterans even then. You have to remember, those who hate are always more vocal.

As one vet - - - - you are all welcome. I wouldn't have missed it for the World but never want to go back.
My Avatar is my Grandfather 1917 Engineers (emegrated from Norway), Father VMF 451,452,454 CV-17 Bunker Hill, Guadalecanal others, Brother 2 tours Viet Nam (1 with LRRPs), for me 48 AVN.Co. VII Corp. Germany. Many cousins, uncles ALL volunteers. I SALUTE YOU ALL VETS.


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Todd, Thank you for honoring our fallen brothers. It means more than you know.