Tipton Rod handle dissassembly.

Larry M

New member
Can you take these things apart? The bearings on mine are locked up. BTW I was able to unscrew the rod from the handle. I just can't figure how to take apart the handle.
Sorry I have no clue

But if you figure out I would like to know as I would like to take mine apart and turn down diameter.

Have you tried some oil or even penetrating oil on the frozen bearing?

I broke one ...


I broke one, .17 cal, and almost skewered my hand in the process. While I complained about breaking off the rod, I now had a handle I could take apart and see how it was assembled. The front ferrule is pressed on to the handle shaft and the back nut is held in place with lock tite. See attached image.


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Thanks Kit

What I had to do was grind 2 flats on the cone in front to get a vice to hold it. Then I stuck a screwdriver through the hole in the back as a handle to unscrew it. the front bearing is OK the one in the rear is buggered. A little kroil helped but its still not completly free turning. Thanks again.
New Bearing

Larry M,

The bearings in my handle do not have any numbers on them. They do not look to be anything exotic. Any competent bearing supply house ought to be able to provide you with a replacement for a reasonable amount.


I broke one, .17 cal, and almost skewered my hand in the process. While I complained about breaking off the rod, I now had a handle I could take apart and see how it was assembled. The front ferrule is pressed on to the handle shaft and the back nut is held in place with lock tite. See attached image.

Thanks kitsap, I just fixed one that I broke....Bryn:)
I have had two 22 caliber Tipton carbon fiber rods break just in front of the handle, in both instances I was using fairly snug fitting patches but I did not think I was putting any undue stress on the road when it split.

Midway did replace both of them at no cost but after breaking the second one I gave up on them and went back to Pro-Shot and Dewey.

I really did like the Midway carbon fiber rods except for the big handle and the splintering problem. The individual I spoke with was aware of this being a problem with them.
Rods breaking

I've heard the stories about the Tiptons breaking and have three of them myself, .17cal and two 22's i've used them goin on three years now and still no problems, love the graphite idea I hope it holds up:).