This guy just shot himself.

Well, stuff happens. Doing quick draw is not without its perils. Have most folks driven a car lifelong without some kind of accident, never hit their finger with a hammer, rolled their ankle going down stairs. Stuff happens, only with a gun or car it has pretty grave consequences. I hope we don't start ridiculing him for his misfortune! --Greg
At least he had enough sense to call his mother.


PS: At least he was smart enough to use FMJs instead of GOLD DOTS.
I believe he posted it so we don't do the same. Never liked quick draw, years ago we had a police officer that use to do that in the widow of a down town store, untill the gun went off and took out the store window. He ended up with the name Quick Draw.

Joe Salt
For me, no way I call my mom, are you kidding me! Her screaming at me would be much worse then his wounds. No I'd call mom later.
Dave T
...and that is why I only shoot a rifle. And always think safety first.
