thinking about my new barrel.


mr. nobody

i went through all the test lots i had left over from last year. i have some tennex that is 1059 and the lots run all the way up to 1072. i have about 2 bricks of just test lots from last year. each has a box that has any place from 5-25 shots out of it and a entire full box left.

when i get the rifle back from the smith and get my new tuner on it next month, should i use these rounds to help brake in the barrel and also try the hope well method on the tuner at the sametime?

i've been looking at killoughs stock on line and was going to order a few boxes of 1080 speed eley as well. i can't find anything but pistol match down in the 1040 range.

i don't believe this barrel will take alot of braking in, but i could be very wrong about that. it has happened before.

this is my first rimfire custom rifle i'm having built(i purchased the rifle as a whole but i'm replacing everything but the trigger and action this winter). i was thinking that now that wilber has cleaned the board up and it seems most of the smart asses have died down we could have a chance for alot of us rookies to learn from you.

so what is your thinking on the hope well method of tuning and do you use multiple speeds of ammo to tune your rifle.
If the ammo you have seems to be pretty good I would tune with it. Stuff cost to much gotta get some good use out of it!!!!!!!!!!1
that is just it. do you use only ammo that groups or score well to do the hope well method or will any ammo do?

since this will be a new barrel i'll be starting over totally. i don't have a clue yet at speed or anything(the rifle is still at the smith right now). i was just wondering what the best starting place would be. i'm going to be using the rva tuner.
what about cleaning of a new barrel when being broke in? there is alot of things we rookies need to hear from you old heads.
yep. i'll start without the tuner. and find some ammo that it shoots very well and save i for a base when i start tuning tom. we hadn't talked about it over the phone, sorry to have left you out on that.
I shot mine without the tuner and really there was no one speed that stood head and shoulders above the others.

I did some testing with the RVAT and right now it has the #4 SS and both AL rings. This is an .850 dia Hart.

The next time I do tuner testing I am going to put ALL the SS wgts on and then start removing them one by one as opposed to starting with no wgt and adding the wgts one by one.

The next time I do tuner testing I am going to put ALL the SS wgts on and then start removing them one by one as opposed to starting with no wgt and adding the wgts one by one.

Can you explain why? not questioning your method just want to know your thinking? Why only the SS wghts?
I want to start out with what should be too much wgt and then progress through the vertical dispersion. I guess I would remove the heaviest wgt [#1 is what I call it ] first. If there is still verticle then the next heaviest [ #2 ]. If removing #1 made the vertical nearly disappear then I would start over and remove the #4 wgt first and progress that way.

I think the AL wgts are just for the final trim.

Actually the more I think about it, doing the tuner testing from both directions [ starting with no wgt and then starting with all the wgts ] would be a good verification of the final setting. Burns more ammo but might be illuminating.

The aluminum weights are not trim. The flat one without female threads is the 1/2oz weight and the larger aluminum one with the female threads is the 1oz weight. Both can be used for tuning.

And I have tried both procedures, adding weight and removing weights. And ended at the same place. But I have found that most rifles will be toward the lighter side. So i add weights.



I meant trim like trimming an airplane. The final tiny adjustments to make it fly it's best.
Ahhh I see what you mean. But, when I tune I start right off with the base tuner and the bloop. my next step is to add the 1oz weight. Then the 2oz and so on. Then I'll check either side of the best weight with the 1/2oz weight to see if one is better still. If so I'll use it.
