Them Thar Hall Pins

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Yesterday @ the Gateway Rifle Club a 250 was shot in the Sporter class with a rifle using one of those Hall Firing pins. AND another 250 shot with a 10>5 LB rifle, go figure, eh?

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Yesterday @ the Gateway Rifle Club a 250 was shot in the Sporter class with a rifle using one of those Hall Firing pins. AND another 250 shot with a 10>5 LB rifle, go figure, eh?

Nice shootin' guys!
We're you shooting white box?

Is that a total surprise to you? Hall is a good action, I would not be surprised at all. Its not the most popular action on the market, but its conceivable that a 250 can be shot with one. I have seen 250s shot with several rifles that were not popular at major matches. Several were target winners. Kimber 82G, Remington 40X and Winchester 52D. This was without a tuner and most shot off bi-pods. It happens, but it does not happen consistency. I am sure there are many lesser know actions and rifles that have shot 250s.


Are you saying it's the Actions fault or the shooters? Put a Hall build in the hands of a very consistent shooters hands and I think most would be surprised at the out come. I have 2, a Sporter and a 10 1/2 that have won a lot of my HOF points for me. Just wish I could maintain total focus every time I sit down and pull the trigger. The Hall is a very good Action, but like everything else there's always room for improvement. That goes for other actions as well, even the Turbos! I think too often actions get a bad rap and we forget that if the shooter doesn't do his or her part, it will not win.
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Not at all a surprise

Is that a total surprise to you? Hall is a good action, I would not be surprised at all. Its not the most popular action on the market, but its conceivable that a 250 can be shot with one. I have seen 250s shot with several rifles that were not popular at major matches. Several were target winners. Kimber 82G, Remington 40X and Winchester 52D. This was without a tuner and most shot off bi-pods. It happens, but it does not happen consistency. I am sure there are many lesser know actions and rifles that have shot 250s.


there was a thread on here mebby a month ago about this very issue and person who owns them. The pins are in Turbo bolts. They shoot.

I too use a Hall Sporter with a Standard Hall pin in it. No complaints here about how well it works. I also have a Turbo and a Myers, all of them shoot a lot better than I do most of the time.