The VFG Weapons care suystem.

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I have known about the Felt Plug cleaning system for some time and when I looked to try it, BACKORDER!, so I let it go. A couple of weeks ago A new friend gave me a few Star shaped patches to try, which are great, by the way , so, the felt plugs came up in conversation. He mentioned that one of the other "Friendly" shooters used them.

When I got home, I Googled the felt plugs which got me to Brownells. There is a video on Brownells site about using the felt plug system to "polish" a barrel in lieu of a protracted break in procedure, which is worth a look at. There may be something new under the Sun.

Eventually, all of us will need to go beyond what we know or have heard as Gospel in the way of cleaning and barrel maintenance; believe it. This system may be that way; unless one doesn't mind giving up on winning barrels.

I just happened to have a new barrel install that I am going to try the system or protocol on this very evening. I will keep all yall in the loop.

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