The Un-Calfee Stumbles

Bill B

New member
For those of you who have been following my spearminting with an Un-Calfee rifle, (A rifle incorporating all those things that make for an inferior rifle: Stiller 2500X SAP 2 lug action, cut-rifled barrel, angled buttstock, conventional scope mounting, Jewell trigger), I submit the following update. Well, I'm sad to say that I shot it again today and it stumbled. Damn thing won't shoot in a bucket. I only managed a 249-17 with it today. So, the agg of my first 3 targets with the Un-Calfee is only a 749-49X. I'm getting prepared for my first match this season in two weeks at Easthampton MA , so I also shot my Turbo 12 o'clock fp sporter and again could only manage a 249-17X. Hey, we all have off days.

It's a good thing Chris Peterson showed up with some killer BBQ brisket and his scrumptious homemade Kansas-style sauce. It made the day tolerable, that, and that good, crafted beer aged in bourbon casks that he introduced us to. Thanks Chris!
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Sorry to hear

Sorry to hear that it is shooting so poorly Bill. You must be so disappointed.
regards Ben
un-c gun

Bill, You didn't even mention the really tough wind conditions today. I don't think 5 of your shots were in the same condition......

Being new to this game I just want to say I think I learned a lot today. Thanks much.


Pulling the "loose bottle cap" on Gordon was how they say "priceless"........ oops
Bill, You didn't even mention the really tough wind conditions today. I don't think 5 of your shots were in the same condition......

Being new to this game I just want to say I think I learned a lot today. Thanks much.


Pulling the "loose bottle cap" on Gordon was how they say "priceless"........ oops

Chris, I didn't want to make it seem like I was making excuses. A miss is a miss. Yeah, the loose cap trick on the BBQ sauce squeeze bottle was a good trick - a little juvenile maybe, but still fun. Did ya notice, Gordon shot pretty well after that. Maybe we have discovered something here, (I love smearmintin') that shooting with a sticky trigger finger improves ones scores. We may need to keep a bottle of BBQ sauce in our shooting boxes. The rimfire BR community is learning lots these last several months.

Next time we need to try Mustard/Vinegar sauce on Pulled Pork. This spearmintin is gonna be a hoot.

Gotta get me a 5R cut rifle barrel, if anyone has one they can spare please let me know (this is a serious request cal anytime 5709542696).

Thanks Chris
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Next time we need to try Mustard/Vinegar sauce on Pulled Pork. This spearmintin is gonna be a hoot.

Gotta get me a 5R cut rifle barrel, if anyone has one they can spare please let me know (this is a serious request).

Thanks Chris

I'm sure that after the WLM declared that they just couldn't shoot, that most of them are now tomato stakes. Hopefully you will find one.
Hi Bill

I don't mean to nit-pick, but shouldn't a true Un-Calfee rifle be shooting a PRX tune with a barrel ornament:p:D

Tell Gordon, I said HI

Hi Bill

I don't mean to nit-pick, but shouldn't a true Un-Calfee rifle be shooting a PRX tune with a barrel ornament:p:D

Tell Gordon, I said HI


And it would be called "Positive Compensation". I'll say hi to Gordon for you.
You could try what the wlm was puffing about. He was talking about rivets to get a third lug if you ever need one. He is full of killer ideas.

The Brisket was great. Much better than Banty Chicken. The loose cap on the sauce not so good. Can't wait for Pulled Pork next. Thank You
I hear you Bill
Pulled Pork trumps Banty Chicken. Me being a little sloppy with the sauce on my trigger finger. If it was Banty Chicken it could be some other excretment EWEOOO
Butts to go.....

I'm making the arrangements to put 6 pork butts in the smoker this weekend, so I'm gonna need some help disposing of them.

Food for AMMO????? LOL

We'll keep the Banty's off the menu for now , don't want to have any strange smells uprange!
We have to be careful with the BBQ sauce around ammo. It could be considered altering the ammo if we get any on the lube.
BBQ as bolt lube will be you get a bit sloppy and some rubs off on the way can that be considered tampering. bob

Next time we need to try Mustard/Vinegar sauce on Pulled Pork. This spearmintin is gonna be a hoot.

Gotta get me a 5R cut rifle barrel, if anyone has one they can spare please let me know (this is a serious request cal anytime 5709542696).

Thanks Chris

I personally wouldn't use the 5R style rifling with a lead bullet. Just my opinion but I don't feel the 5R style will drive the short lead bullets good enough. Lead bullets in general as far as that goes. Go with conventional rifling. Use a standard 5 groove would be just fine but not the 5R.

Right now I'm putting together/rebuilding two model 52's. A 52C and a 52D. Made both barrels 8 groove, left hand twist and gain twist rifling. Why those specs.? My Ballard Rigby off hand rifle has a Pope barrel on it and is made with those specs. and for a 110 year old barrel it will shoot in the low .3's at 65 yards with Federal Ultra Match from a Pope machine rest. Tested back in Jan. 2014. Shoots flat .5's with CCI Standard velocity and open sights at 50 yards just a couple of weeks ago.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
Gordon, It's just my gut feeling as I haven't tested it.....but I feel with the gentler angles on the sides of the lands with the 5R style vs. the convtional/English Whitworth style rifling the conventional rifling will bite and drive the bullet better. Again just my opinion.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
I just thought you had something to base it on. I have had some very good luck with Rock Creek 5r cut barrels. They need to be stress relieved but with the right inside deminsion. They shoot well. The Shillen Rachet is the most popular barrel at the present time. The Broughton 4c was a strong preformer also

Good to know.

I know the 5R rifling doesn't work well with short jacket length 6mm bullets and thru some recent testing I know the 5R isn't the greatest with .223 guns with short jacket bullets/ammo also. They shoot o.k. but nothing to write home about. So I was leaning towards a no with the 5R and the .22RF.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels