The Un-Calfee Rifle - To Dream the Impossible Dream

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner! Yes, the old termite himself (termites just love wood!) He's an enigma and a helluva shot that's so overlooked in our discussion of the best in the country.
The Turmite

That little sucker can and will wear you out. He whooped my tired old butt in the State match last year in Meters, Had him 5 points in Sporter, He whooped me in the end by a point!!!!

The next best thing about Raide. He gets the BEST Italian Sausage known to man.

The next, next, best thing about Raide. He DINGS UP TIM SAMBARI.
That little sucker can and will wear you out. He whooped my tired old butt in the State match last year in Meters, Had him 5 points in Sporter, He whooped me in the end by a point!!!!

The next best thing about Raide. He gets the BEST Italian Sausage known to man.

The next, next, best thing about Raide. He DINGS UP TIM SAMBARI.

First of all, please spell the name right, Simbari, so I don't have to find a new gunsmith.
Secondly, he dings me up, SOMETIMES. I get a few shots in here and there
Thirdly, nobody claimed you were a strong finisher......I got two notes from old girlfriends.
No arguments on the sausage.
No argument, he can be a tough little bastard shoot against.
If he shot a Calfee rifle the whole world would know of Bob. But because he is a humble man with a humble gunsmith who competes in the frozen north and has other interests in his life, he is too often overlooked. I just figured I would remind those who think it's a powder-puff derby we shoot up here.

Calm Down Boy!!!

My Post was in jest for Raide, Not so much for you. Sorry for the spelling.

Sorry for not being able to understand the internet BULL Sh#it.

You are welcome to to get a Gunsmith that can SPELL better than myself!!!!!!!
I was out today shooting the Un-Calfee rifle. I just can't figure it out. I feel like Don Quixote - dreaming the impossible dream and tilting at windmills - and somehow succeeding. The Un-Calfee rifle is my new Stiller 2500X SAP action, a Rock Creek 5 groove cut-rifled barrel that was rejected by Tuna as being no good, and a used/rejected TMBR stock with an angled butt stock that came off a Turbo. Everything I've read tells me this rifle just has no chance of shooting well. Goes against every theory put forth by the WLM. Every time I shoot it, I expect it to fall on it's face, as it well should. But dang it if this thing just wants to be contrary (maybe it's taking on my personality). The very first IR50/50 target I shot with this rifle was a 250-15X in cold, windy conditions. Had to be a fluke. Subsequent sessions to put some rounds thru it, test ammo, etc showed it to still shoot pretty well. Today, I shot another full IR target and the damn Un-Calfee shot a 250-18X again in cold and windy conditions. What am I to do about this thing? I've held up my lap top and showed this rifle the threads on WWA that say that there is just no way it can shoot in bucket. It just won't listen. I may just have to video this rifle and post it so that the WLM can figure out just what is happening here? Gordon and I have conferred and scratched our heads and all we can do is watch this thing put round after round into one tiny jagged hole that only the "concept action" is supposed to be able to do. We are at wits end trying to figure it out. Gordon's 2500X with a Rock Creek Cut-rifled 6 Groove is also shooting tiny little groups as well, just adding to our confusion and then there's Tuna's 2500X that did so well in the Eley Tunnel.

Anybody have any thoughts as to just how this could be possible? There is just no way these rifles should shoot in a bucket but they shoot groups in windy conditions that are just as small as those in the video of the "concept" action. Something's wrong.

ps - Gordon made me promise that I would mention that he and his sporter kicked my butt (shooting my sporter) playing "top my shot".


I think you need to just quit, sell me that barrel, and the one Gordon has on his rifle too... Oh, if Tuna has any more of those bad barrels that won't shoot give me a hollar. ;)

Calm Down Boy!!!

My Post was in jest for Raide, Not so much for you. Sorry for the spelling.

Sorry for not being able to understand the internet BULL Sh#it.

You are welcome to to get a Gunsmith that can SPELL better than myself!!!!!!!

I am calm.(more or less).
I would never go for a better speller.


I think you need to just quit, sell me that barrel, and the one Gordon has on his rifle too... Oh, if Tuna has any more of those bad barrels that won't shoot give me a hollar. ;)


Will do, but finding a non-MI barrel may, sadly, get harder and harder to find. The Lilja that I recently shot was real good tho.
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