The results are in


The most important part of your post is: Your noticing things and trying to figure them out. Put that with an semi-opened mind and your heading in the right direction real fast. Keep up the thoughts.

Al Mirdoch who made and shot a LOT of Benchrest bullets showed me a target one day that was shot at 100 yards off benchrest.

It was probably shot with a .22 Waldog - I still have a photo copy of this some where.

The bullet weights were from 50 -54 grains and everthing was in one group of under .150 .

Nuff Said !


Is the foot all healed up?

Thank you for asking. Yes, Wonders of modern medicine, 10 days of anti-biotics cleared up the infection. Now busy working on the farm, putting in an irrigation system. Woman's work is never done
