The religion of peace, love and athletics?

Jerry what channel at 11 pm? Got to watch republicans go at again.

Joe Salt

Which channel is promoting more gun taking from the law abiding?

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, FOXBIZ, BBC, just for starters.

Tonight they will all take on The Donald. I don't trust the SOB either but I distrust him less than Jeb, Marco, Ted, Hillary, Bernie, Rand, Huck, and the ones I forgot.

Who do I trust? The only one running that was a Marine combat commander who, fighting AGAINST communists, was awarded The Navy Cross, THREE Bronze Stars and Two Purple Hearts!!


Those so called christian religions who forbid investigation and criticism are actually cults.
Obviously, many Governments and courts disagree with you. Though they differ in theology, they are recognized as Christian religions. We don't have to agree with their "way of life", just as they don't have to agree with "our way of life". Freedom of choice and religion is a wonderful thing.
The answers on here explain why America( and the West in General) is losing against her enemies. We have defeated ourselves.
To clarify; this is not an attack on anyone but rather demonstrates the mindset of today's society. If it doesn't change we in the west are doomed.
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It's partly

The answers on here explain why America( and the West in General) is losing against her enemies. We have defeated ourselves.
To clarify; this is not an attack on anyone but rather demonstrates the mindset of today's society. If it doesn't change we in the west are doomed.

due to the liberal element of society foisting the message that the problems with the world are due to the excesses of the western Caucasian population. What a crock of feces! An earlier poster alluded to the fact that we are, culturally, incompatible with the moslem world. That doesn't mean we don't like them as human beings, but is a recognition of fact. Their religion does not allow for adaptation or cultural assimilation and in many respects fosters a mentality of exclusion and intolerance to alternative ideas and religions. We are fools to open our borders to mass migration. Europe will pay a dear price for doing so.
The things Trump says would have sounded prudent and simply common sense 75 years ago. We have become so politically correct that it sounds completely absurd to us now.
If you went back 75 years it would be easy to imagine Winston Churchill saying to ban Muslims if they were doing the things they are doing now. Any prudent world leader would have taken that stance 75 years ago . Our western society as become so PC that as a society we are down right stupid and utterly foolish.
Muslims-VS- Christans

This is a centuries old war......The only way to defeat this aggression is by force...... the same way General Black Jack Pershing did .........
The things Trump says would have sounded prudent and simply common sense 75 years ago. We have become so politically correct that it sounds completely absurd to us now.
If you went back 75 years it would be easy to imagine Winston Churchill saying to ban Muslims if they were doing the things they are doing now. Any prudent world leader would have taken that stance 75 years ago . Our western society as become so PC that as a society we are down right stupid and utterly foolish.
That's a good point! However, consider this: 75 years ago, we were not interfering in the affairs of Muslim populated countries. If they want to destroy one another, so be it. Just as most Christians and Jews don't follow Old Testament injunctions literally, a very large percentage of Muslims do not interpret the Koran literally. Most people - and this includes Muslims - are perfectly capable of separating out their daily religious practices from violent passages in their religious texts. The overwhelming majority do just that.

Edit: The Arian Brotherhood, KKK, Skinheads and Neo-Nazis are white Christians. Yet all white Christians are not members of these groups.
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The things Trump says would have sounded prudent and simply common sense 75 years ago. We have become so politically correct that it sounds completely absurd to us now.
If you went back 75 years it would be easy to imagine Winston Churchill saying to ban Muslims if they were doing the things they are doing now. Any prudent world leader would have taken that stance 75 years ago . Our western society as become so PC that as a society we are down right stupid and utterly foolish.

75 years ago we would have put them in an internment camp and then nuked their homeland. And that might just be what it takes to get them to be civil to the rest of the world for a little while.