The Rachels Glen Experience.



The first benchrest match...

I rode down to Rachels Glen for the weekend with my Dad and our shooting buddy. (Waylan Kisor and Scotty Grimes)

Speaking for all of us, we have never been in the company of more welcoming people.

They'll put a gun in your hands, loading equipment in front of you, watch you, coach you, take interest in your results and make you love shooting more than ever – so don’t go to your first match with the intention of just “watching”.

When the range closes at the end of the day, they are as serious about socializing as they are about their aggs. Great folks that I'd be proud to call friends. My sides should stop hurting mid-week provided no one makes me laugh today or tomorrow.

Mickey, thank you for the invitation and your unbelievable efforts to run the match. Can't remember seeing anyone work that hard to make sure every one enjoyed themselves.

Jackie, thank you for making room for me at your loading bench, the loan of the gun and your willingness to put up with my endless questions while you were competing in a match.

Bart and Billy – y’all had Scotty so tweaked, he probably went to the range with a flashlight when we got home last night.

Oh, and Brady, any chance they could get you to sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl this year???? (Man someone send them a tape and he’s a shoe in.) Seriously, Brady, thanks for your coaching on range etiquette and your patience with new shooters.

To everyone else who took an interest in our BR education, (pretty much everyone there)…Thank You.

Jeff Kisor

I certainly enjoyed giving you the loan of the Rifle, and every thing else that it took to allow you to experience Benchrest at the top levels of the game.

It is true that you will not find a more accomadating bunch of people than Benchrest Shooters. I doubt there are are very few "sporting events" where the participants will willingly trust a stranger with thousands of dollars worth of equipment, coach them along, all while trying to keep up with the Competition in their own right..

I had a great time, and look forward to seeing you and your Dad again........jackie
And There You have it folks!!

Jeff showed up at a match to watch and learn. Jeff learned B.R. shooters really are some of the people that make this world worth living in. Thank you Jackie for sharing your eqipment and knowledge. Thank you Jeff for finding out how exciting this sport is.[you are hooked now Jeff] Thank all the rest of you unamed participants at the shoot also. Wanna no how to git new shooters in the program? Jackie and the rest just showed you!! The next time a "newbe" post a question on the forum, instead of being curt or gruff, invite them to a match, maby a club shoot would be less intimating. Did I forget to say "JACKIE YOU ARE MY HERO!"? Well, you are probably larger in Jeff's eyes.


Steve Moore

Pretty close guys... I am hooked. And yes, Jackie turned over a rifle and reloading equipment to me - knowing he'd have to deal with me being in his way between relays, not knowing if I would clean his rifle correctly or maintain his equipment properly, and that I'd hinder him while he worked to stay in tune - he put in a lot of work.

And he did this after I broke the first piece of equipment I touched...

He was proudly telling me about his priming tool that he'd had for a long time when I began priming cases - I snapped the head off on the second case.:eek:

Bart Sauter was kind enough to loan us one, and later, Dusty Stevens was kind enough to sell me one of his to replace it while we were at the match. But I figured if Jackie's going to take up teaching he might need a backup. I called Sinclair and asked them to send him one of theirs - I know you won't believe it, but they actually had his address on file... (Jackie, it's shipping to the machine shop)

Again, to everyone there, and if Mickey would send me roll, I could mention everyone... otherwise I'd forget someone. - suffice it to say by the time I left, I couldn't find a face in the group that hadn't offered advice or encouragement.

Thanks again - I hope to be seeing some of you at River Bend in a couple of weeks if Mr Andress will have us.
Hey...looks like a shoot. How many normally attend? I have a four day weekend then...could be fun. Any additional info appreciated.


QUESTION: I looked at the site. Is this a 2-gun 100/200yd in one day?
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Mickey, I didn't lose any fingers, just went on another Pheasant hunt and missed a few days on BR central.

Dick, none of those guys told me to keep an eye on my billfold... just that most folks are pretty much unarmed in a battle of wits with the gentleman, seems like they were correct. I never did think of an appropriate comeback when he looked through the spotting scope at one of my groups and suggested I use a tighter choke.