The quest for my next scope, frozen, Leopold or just March?

As a score shooter I think I use my scopes a little differently than if I were to shoot group. As I have only shot group out my back yard, take this for what it is worth, just an opinion.

Every match, I am clicking my scope. I have to hit the dot so where the bullets strikes paper becomes more important than if I was shooting group (yes?). Accurate adjustment and the repeatability of those adjustments become an issue for me when considering a scope. For example, I believe most score shooters prefer 1/8 minute adjustments. I don't think it would matter to me if I was shooting group. When I have to use my 36x scope with 1/4 adjustments, it is 3/4 or more when I adjust at 300 yards. Hard to fine tune your POA that way.

I have used a March 10-60x for the first nine matches this year. I love it. I believe I shoot better with it. I love the ability it provides in minute hold adjustment. Seeing a larger ten ring gives me opportunity to move my hold ever so slightly that I can not do with a 36x. I love the variable for setting flags as I can turn it down for a larger field of view. I also can use a lower power when conditions dictate more clarity (not sure if that is the correct term to be using) because of mirage (It always seems to be there at 60x) although I have refused to do so yet. I have only turned it down once so far and that was to be able to see more flags in the scope at 300 yards. It is too early to say with any certainty but I have yet to have a shot go astray that wasn't identifiable with a corresponding change in flags. I can't say that about my 36x.

Some of the things that I find imperative for score shooting may not apply to group so as a group shooter you have to find what is most important to you and for the dollars and then get it. I would be very inclined to try a frozen scope if I were shooting group but I chose to go instead with the March for my score shooting and I think I made the right choice and would do so again. Randy J.