The NRA: Fake News Vs. Throw the Bums Out.

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
What do you think of the NRA and the recent controversy surrounding it about financial impropriety? I am a lifetime member because I think they are the most effective organization at preserving our gun rights. I am also very troubled by the recent report of millions of dollars of our donations wasted in sweetheart deals and excessive perks for the leadership. The NRA does a lot of good for us gun owners but does the leadership have its hand in the piggy bank or this a rumor spread and exaggerated by the left? Wade in. Vent your spleen.
Ok Tim.

I believe if the NRA doesn't become more transparent with the books they will loose members. How does anyone know what their finances are? I can guarantee the other side is responsible for some of the rumors. Does anyone have any real proof of finances?

Actually, what are the finances of the two BR associations I am a member of?

I am a life member also and I agree that they are our best bet against gun control. I feel sure that some of our money is wasted on perks and excessive pay and benefits for the big dogs. There are very few business's or groups that aren't guilty of that. I don't think the NRA has made much effort to clear this up. I am also quite sure that our enemies are the source for much of these allegations and as we have seen they have no scruples and are habitual liars. I will continue to support the NRA but we all need to press them for answers about these allegations
I have in my hand a list of the..Stop! That Korean guy just...

Dave, I hear you bud. I have it on good authority from the Washington Post and the New York Times that the NBRSA directors are using our dues to charter private jets to North Korea where they engage in the Running of the Traitors with the Great Leader. They get drunk on VSOP cognac with Kim, Dennis Rodman and Shawn Penn, chase barefoot semi-starved members of gulags with tanks over broken glass littered courses and run them down. There are trophies (produced with slave labor) for the most crushed children, pregnant women and entire families. Kim always wins but no one seems (dares) to mind. Afterwards they detonate a few atomic bombs and then the directors fly home. Everyone is sworn to secrecy or they get some nerve gas liquid slapped on them as a prank. Ha, ha, that Kim is a great joker. You and I can demand an accountability for this atrocity at the national meeting. You first. ps be sure to carry some atropine on you.
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Yep, they're living the good life for sure. Free powder, bbls, ect. Jet setting around the country. That's before the big retirement perks. Wasn't questioning management, just organizations papers... .don't see unless I missed somewhere. I appreciate the people running the organizations.

Back to the NRA. Has anyone actually seen their Financials?
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i am not surprised.
like the republican party is part of the current PROBLEM in our government, the nra is part of the influence problem. too big too much money no real accountability to members.
( we do not have a 2 party system, we simple have one party in and the other party, look at how republicans are treating trump now that he is not president)
I too am a life member, but LaPierre lost me a while back. They got rid of the wrong people. I don't see any accountability to the rank and file. I used to contribute extra periodically but I have slacked off some until I feel they are coming clean.

i am not surprised.
like the republican party is part of the current PROBLEM in our government, the nra is part of the influence problem. too big too much money no real accountability to members.
( we do not have a 2 party system, we simple have one party in and the other party, look at how republicans are treating trump now that he is not president)

there is very little difference in Politicians, they are all in it for themselves, not those who they supposedly represent. They all hate "Outsiders", someone who can't be bought somehow. We are seeing it now. People don't elect representatives to act on their own "Feelings" but once elected, they dern sure do whatever they "Feel" is right.

If I wasn't a member of a couple of clubs that require NRA membership (has something to do with insurance), I would not send them a dime. They have lost their way and personally I think they do more harm these days than good for our cause.
the treasurers report

Ok Tim.

I believe if the NRA doesn't become more transparent with the books they will loose members. How does anyone know what their finances are? I can guarantee the other side is responsible for some of the rumors. Does anyone have any real proof of finances?

Actually, what are the finances of the two BR associations I am a member of?


for the IBS was shown on ZOOM when the annual meeting was held in January online.
there is very little difference in Politicians, they are all in it for themselves, not those who they supposedly represent. They all hate "Outsiders", someone who can't be bought somehow. We are seeing it now. People don't elect representatives to act on their own "Feelings" but once elected, they dern sure do whatever they "Feel" is right.


They have "opinions" too which don't necessarily coincide with yours or ours. The more you give them the more likely that the opinions will coincide.
I'm with you there

If I wasn't a member of a couple of clubs that require NRA membership (has something to do with insurance), I would not send them a dime. They have lost their way and personally I think they do more harm these days than good for our cause.

I feel the same way for a petty reason perhaps. I detest all the solicitations. I quit them for a couple of years but because of having to be a member to shoot in places, I re-joined.



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