The New York Solution to Mental Health

Chism G

Active member
I think these folks jumped out of the blocks first,with a "shoot from the hip" plan to address a mental Health issue, that's been around as long as mankind. The recent New York Law requires that Medical professionals ,in the mental health field, report suspect patients(Nuts ) to a Statewide Data base that could be used to prohibit gun ownership. They are also talking about having gun license applicants sign a waiver allowing access to their Mental Health histories.(highly unlikely). There are a number of reason's(Self explanatory) why this approach will just not work. We all understand the source of this reaction,but at some point, common sense has to come into play. What say You?

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Conflicting Laws and Priorities

I think any requirement, state or federal, for any sort of medical professional (yes, shrinks are doctors too) to share mental health data with any government agency has to get by the HIPAA regulation first. That bulwark of the sanctity of medical information is amazingly robust. I work in health care with patient data and I am in constant fear of it. I don't think Cuomo's new set of gun laws was well vetted at any level. Obama's haven't been either. The courts will have their say on most of it, eventually. I think AR-15 regulations are going to run headlong into the recent supreme court ruling in the Chicago case about banning classes of guns. I think NY Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police are going to revolt about spending scarce time and funds to verify every sale of a box of .22 shorts. I think in two years, Cuomo will have egg all over his face and be shown up for the rabid idiot that he is. He thinks gun control will propel him to the Presidency. He might as well get involved in a land war in the Balkans. It is a swamp with no exit. Pro-gun forces are much more powerful now and we have made sure that legislators are much more knowledgeable. I do not know what sort of political testicle squeezing Cuomo had to do to get his agenda passed, but it must have been extreme. People have long memories, and eventually, he will become the squeezee!
Yes, common sense should be brought into play by the legal community and law enforcement.
When was the last time common sense was a common commodity in those branches of government?

Common sense isn't so common, anywhere!
The difference between common sense and facts:

Many people use the phrase "Common Sene" as something being, beyond a doubt, factual and something anyone should easily know to be true but, it is almost always possible to disprove most of the things people call "Common Sense" to be something other than fact. The pharase belongs in the "Dust Bin" and should never be used, IMHP.
There are to many people of different Denominations to have everyone think the same! That's the problem with the whole Country. If we would have stopped letting people into this county that didn't come here the right way, we would be a lot better off! And speak the English language.

Joe Salt
the new york solution to mental health

FWIW. That new legislation on Gun control was signed in a closed session the eve of a legal holiday. It was pushed thru like many bills.
The issue was not even debated. Thats how The govenour and Blumberg got it thru.
It the Ajenda of the Demorcatic party to ban ALL firearms.
Getting to MENTAL Health. New York State closed a lot of Mental Health facilitys in the 70,s. They closed programs that were effective.
The budget was the big Issue. Yet the state always has places {NEW YORK CITY} to spend those would be savings.
"Common Sense"

A long time ago,when I was little, they used to call it "Mother Wit" . If you didn't have "Mother Wit",you were a "Dim Wit". Guess who's making the most noise about Gun Bans.

Check out the mental health bill just proposed in CA.

Ammunition Tax (Asm. Dickinson) - Would place a $0.05 tax on the sale of ammunition, and dedicate the proceeds to an existing program to screen young children (grades 1- 3) for mild to moderate mental illness, and intervene with strategies to address their problems. “Screening young children for signs of mental illness and addressing any issues early on is the key to a healthier and more productive adult life. A limited tax on ammunition is a small price to pay for better mental healthcare for children in our state,” said Dickinson.

screening 1-3 year olds! how can anyone possibly tell if a pre toddler will pose a threat to society in the future? sounds like a Nazi style experiment.