The New Scope Tuner For Accuracy....


New member
A Barrel Tuner mounted pointing backwards on top of a scope for accuracy?...Isn't this a guy having fun and pulling our leg or what? :cool:

Mmmmm!....I guess he can also say that he "invented" (before Newton) the third Law that says: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction" thus the 2 tuners in opposing directions ...

No comments!...These other people next to the rifle/tuner pointing backwards also had a similar idea! ;)

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One the simplest ways to tune a sporter

is to move the scope forward and rearward in the rings. Same concept, just simple to control....
Amazing ... here we have a smith who is quick to "ridicule" others that use barrel attachments (mid-barrel dampers, slides, bloops, weights, etc.) for tuning and degrades them as "Ornaments". Now he comes up with his own "creative idea" for a new scope attachment or "Ornament" for tuning. LOL
So if a cop pulled over a car load of gang bangers shooting that thing sideways out of a car window they would know which one pulled the trigger...

he would be the one with two black eyes.

In all seriousness I think it would depend on what your rifle setup was doing when fired that might make a difference where you attached any additional weight allowed. I would think the goal would be getting the bore to stay flat and move in a straight line backwards...then if you could eliminate backwards...

perhaps your only goal is shifting the vibration node.
I have no idea whether this thing does what Bill has said that it does, but parts of this discussion remind me of past discussions of tuners for short range center fire benchrest, in which it was common for people who had absolutely no experience with tuners in that application to express strong opinions.

Back in the day, a fellow who posted here under the name Don from Redondo, Don Jackson, was at the Visalia range doing some testing using a rifle that had a accelerometer taped to its barrel's muzzle that was connected to a recording oscilloscope. In the course of our conversation I asked him if changing the position of the rings and/or the scope changed how the barrel vibrated, he said that it did. The action was a Panda, the stock was home made from aluminum tubing. The rifle had shot competitively in matches.
I believe that ANY amount of mass added to a rifle will make it more stable and a better shooter if said mass is located rationally and properly.

Yes, the "Micrometer" adjustments of the tuner allow for a more precise weight shifting and balance control, but this same effect is also attainable with a simple threaded solid rod with screw in weights...

I dislike that if "whatever" doesn't come from him, it has no value and he will make a discrediting effort...Nobody has the MONOPOLY of anything and much the less about accuracy...No matter how many times he repeats his misconceptions, plagiarisms and discrediting issues, he is not what he thinks and says he is...
So let's eliminate the "Bogus and Magic" findings/claims that this guy is making with the reversed tuner pointing to the face of the shooter...Other than being hilarious and entertaining, these findings bring nothing new to the shooting community...

His experiment is exactly what has been said:
Adding mass and shifting it around (back and forth) for a better balance of the gun...

We all know that at ANY given weight of the rifle, it will shoot more accurately if it is properly balanced...The secret is to find the PROPER BALANCE at any given weight and then adding mass becomes less of an issue...

My 10.5 # gun ended very well balanced without any special efforts on my side (fortunately) shoots extremely well and as good as any of the best of the best guns out there, it has a very large sweet spot and while it excels with some lots, it is not as peaky and is very competitive with mostly any good probably only needs a better shooter than me...My point is that when I added weight inside the McMillan carbon stock for making the 13.5 # class it didn't make any, and I mean ANY difference in its accuracy...
Why?, because it is very well balanced and at 10.5 # it reached a point where adding mass doesn't seem to affect vibrations up to the point of improving its accuracy

Take a look at any ISSF competition (You Tube videos) and you will see threaded rods with different weights located in the inner part of the butt plate and in some instances, around other parts of the gun (Regulations allowing)...Look for air guns, look for ISSF 10 M Air Rifle competitions.

About the experiment with the accelerometer...I agree with his findings, indeed any change in mass or in the location of it will change vibrations. Objects vibrate differently with different masses and mass distributions...You can also vary the vibrations of the rifle in many other ways such as: By placing your finger on any part of the gun when firing, by tightening the front part of the gun rest so the forearm is held tighter, by changing the torque in those action screws, etc.
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I am kicked out of that site, I could say what I feel but the would be labeled as a "hater". I feel on that site you have to set back and listen to the ranting and bs. I love shooting of all types I just turned 60 and the older I get the less BS I put up with. A fellow shooter has a idea and the shooter is put down "over there". The WLM says something & its better than sex. If you DARE disagree with the WLM. you are labeled as hater,forever. I feel that ranting really hurts RFBR in many ways. Sad Indeed
I am kicked out of that site, I could say what I feel but the would be labeled as a "hater". I feel on that site you have to set back and listen to the ranting and bs. I love shooting of all types I just turned 60 and the older I get the less BS I put up with. A fellow shooter has a idea and the shooter is put down "over there". The WLM says something & its better than sex. If you DARE disagree with the WLM. you are labeled as hater,forever. I feel that ranting really hurts RFBR in many ways. Sad Indeed

This tuner on top of the scope pointing to the face of the shooter is the epitome of what the deteriorating mind of an old man makes him say, and worse, TO BELIEVE!...I first thought that this was a SARCASTIC joke but then the thread proved that he is dead serious!

Every day there is something new going on with the promise of being the HOLY GRAIL of accuracy, but then he never comes back and finishes the topic...Lately, he evades his promises because "He Couldn't Load The Movie" and the story repeats itself time and again...

I can only say that I feel sorry for a person with this attitude...The good thing for us shooters is that there are many more excellent gunsmiths that are liked and respected because they are rational and don't blow so much smoke out of their chimneys.
Of course the other alternative is that the only reason he did it is so some folks would get bent out of shape and devote entire threads to something that might not exist.
Valid Point

Of course the other alternative is that the only reason he did it is so some folks would get bent out of shape and devote entire threads to something that might not exist.

The WLM has always like to see who will bite the hook the hardest! Misdirection is humorous for his riddles!
Yeah, it was confirmed to me by a CYankee at this year's IR50/50 Nationals that the WLM likes to put stuff out there to get us all worked up and then he just sits back and delights in our reactions. It's just the past time of an old, bored man.

This device should be called the Breech Scope Device or BS Device for short and it really isn't worth any serious discussion - unless you want to give the old man his jollies for the day.
Does any of these BS devices help attract new shooters in the sport/game ? I hear and read quite a lot how is declining, I wonder why? Regards Ernie
A Charlatan fabricating myths, misleading shooters and pretending to create dependency for profiting added to the very excessive prices of competitive target ammo are without a doubt scarecrows.
It used to be the initial investment (cost of equipment), but nowadays I am more inclined to think that it is the cost of ammunition...

At $18:00 - $20:00 a box, it puts a dent on many shooters who shoot 5 targets or more each day over the weekend; I guess that there are many wives who have a better use for a $300.00/weekend! :cool:
Then it is also something to think about for retired shooters living on a fixed income...We better enjoy it while it lasts.;)
Well over a year ago, another fellow had an adjustable position weight mounted on the scope base. He shot it at The indoor matches at Luray. He is well known for his 40 lb plus rifles. Might be where someone else got the idea.
Spending the Nursing Home's Money-

A Charlatan fabricating myths, misleading shooters and pretending to create dependency for profiting added to the very excessive prices of competitive target ammo are without a doubt scarecrows.
It used to be the initial investment (cost of equipment), but nowadays I am more inclined to think that it is the cost of ammunition...

At $18:00 - $20:00 a box, it puts a dent on many shooters who shoot 5 targets or more each day over the weekend; I guess that there are many wives who have a better use for a $300.00/weekend! :cool:
Then it is also something to think about for retired shooters living on a fixed income...We better enjoy it while it lasts.;)

Not many young people can spend the nursing home's money for a variety of reasons. The goal should be to create a rifle that can shoot anything. Denny A told me that was what he was trying to do, a couple of years ago. I haven't seen the 40 LB weight though - -
Shoot Anything?

Not many young people can spend the nursing home's money for a variety of reasons. The goal should be to create a rifle that can shoot anything. Denny A told me that was what he was trying to do, a couple of years ago. I haven't seen the 40 LB weight though - -

Yo Pete,
Me and Murvis Titsbangin been working on a new ormanent that hangs from the trigger guard and bounces as the rifle recoils, thus unloading the torque applied to the buttplate by the impingement of the magazine spring when properly loaded with the two round minimum required by the sporta rules. We are using a reconditioned front brake master cylinder housing from a 1957 Mack truck to insure there is no magnetic spunktafication incurred once the trigger is activated. Should have it perfected by the Crawfish Shoot. Thumper
I look forward to seeing it Bill

Yo Pete,
Me and Murvis Titsbangin been working on a new ormanent that hangs from the trigger guard and bounces as the rifle recoils, thus unloading the torque applied to the buttplate by the impingement of the magazine spring when properly loaded with the two round minimum required by the sporta rules. We are using a reconditioned front brake master cylinder housing from a 1957 Mack truck to insure there is no magnetic spunktafication incurred once the trigger is activated. Should have it perfected by the Crawfish Shoot. Thumper

I'll be down there before you know it, but first, I have to go to South Dakota to help thin out their birds for winter :).

It seems that the magic keeps on piling....;)

On top of that "Reversed Tuner" in the middle of your eye relief, he is making it more complicated by using ONE and only ONE what appears to be a Weaver ring for mounting the scope ?
The second ring seems to be "floating" just above the barrel in front of the action...Or is he using a much longer 1/2 floated base?

Can somebody please explain the purpose of this RING technology? :confused:

Oh well!...I guess that we can say that the magic in the "Ocular Tuner" also stabilizes the scope....
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