The Great Score Target and Bullet Size Controversy

Mike, I read the posts and interpret what I read. I may have misinterpreted why Danny changed some things about the score "game" and developed his own version of a score game called UBR. A lot of what I have read spends a great deal of time touting the caliber neutral scoring rings and not so much about the 11 point scoring system. Why did Danny want a game with caliber neutral scoring rings?? Most of what I read decries the fact that the present score target provides an advantage to a larger caliber bullet when the accuracy is the same between rifles of different calibers. Those post usually go on to say that that isn't fair. For the person making that statement, isn't that the same as "disliking" that aspect of the score game?? I will not put words in Danny's mouth as I do not know his motive for going to caliber neutral targets. I made an assumption from what I read from others, that part of the premise was to equal the score for equal accuracy regardless of caliber. because he "disliked" and could improve upon the present target/scoring system. If that is not correct, then it is only right that you correct me.

Like you said can read into it what you wish. My point is that, to my knowledge, no one lobbied for IBS to change their game before UBR came into existence. And I believe that Danny himself, is an IBS member.

IBS can do whatever they like but I don't see them adopting a significantly new format for shooting in the near future. I could be wrong, but I doubt that I'll ever see that. Realizing this, why would I lobby IBS for changing the way the game is played?

So while you didn't want to put words in Danny's mouth, you certainly didn't mind putting them in mine. I hope this post clears up my position that I believe you may be being a little overly defensive. I
Like you said can read into it what you wish. My point is that, to my knowledge, no one lobbied for IBS to change their game before UBR came into existence. And I believe that Danny himself, is an IBS member. IBS can do whatever they like but I don't see them adopting a significantly new format for shooting in the near future. I could be wrong, but I doubt that I'll ever see that. Realizing this, why would I lobby IBS for changing the way the game is played?So while you didn't want to put words in Danny's mouth, you certainly didn't mind putting them in mine. I hope this post clears up my position that I believe you may be being a little overly defensive. I
Mike, you had me lost in all of this until today, because I couldn't figure out what rankled your feathers. I think I have figured out why. I believe you read some intent that was not meant to be there. I am not and was not trying to be antagonistic. Originally I was speaking globally and had no one person in mind, except maybe my use of the word UBR, but I thought I was being complementary to their ideas/efforts for taking action instead of complaining. I did not intend to imply that Danny complained. In fact, Danny never came to mind while I was composing my post. Any pronoun used was plural. I was referring to people in general concerning my use of bitching. If you reread my post from that perspective, I hope you don't find it inflammatory. I put words in your mouth??? Ok, if you say so but I don't where or how I did that. If so, again not my intention. I was only trying to explain my use of the word dislike that you took exception with in my first post but at that time, I didn't understand what I think was your perspective of my original post. Not looking to start any negative discussions and certainly didn't mean to hijack this thread. I apologize to the starter of this thread. My intent was to highlight the fact that we have two games with similar basis that we can ALL enjoy, instead of pitting one against the other as some (no I am not referring to anyone in particular) seem to try to do.Mike, take care and have a great evening.
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Mike, you had me lost in all of this until today, because I couldn't figure out what rankled your feathers. I think I have figured out why. I believe you read some intent that was not meant to be there. I am not and was not trying to be antagonistic. Originally I was speaking globally and had no one person in mind, except maybe my use of the word UBR, but I thought I was being complementary to their ideas/efforts for taking action instead of complaining. I did not intend to imply that Danny complained. In fact, Danny never came to mind while I was composing my post. Any pronoun used was plural. I was referring to people in general concerning my use of bitching. If you reread my post from that perspective, I hope you don't find it inflammatory. I put words in your mouth??? Ok, if you say so but I don't where or how I did that. If so, again not my intention. I was only trying to explain my use of the word dislike that you took exception with in my first post but at that time, I didn't understand what I think was your perspective of my original post. Not looking to start any negative discussions and certainly didn't mean to hijack this thread. I apologize to the starter of this thread. My intent was to highlight the fact that we have two games with similar basis that we can ALL enjoy, instead of pitting one against the other as some (no I am not referring to anyone in particular) seem to try to do.Mike, take care and have a great evening.

Randy, I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way. I hope that is the end of that. You're a good guy and I have zero problems with you. Have a good one!