The duke of earl roadshow


Danny Hepler

The next appearance of the “Duke of Earl” will be at the RBA 3 Gun Indoor National, January 10th and 11th 2009 at the Rocky River BR Arena. The show will begin at 10:00 AM. A special Fan Appreciation and Autograph session will be all day Friday the 9th. Opening the Event for the Duke will be the Sporter formally known as “Harry”. The Duke will be backed-up by “Bill and the Calfettes” plus “Alvis and the Chippermunks”. The Duke will perform his big hits like “Shooting Like the House On Fire”, “Eley Blues”, “The Chicken Ghost Shuffle”, “Don’t Jerk The Trigger” (by Jewell) and “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” (he was looking for some ammo to steal). He will also be trying out a new one that will be an instant hit called “250-25”. We don’t expect to hear the old ones like “Kathy’s Clown”, “Double Shot of My Babies Gun” and last years hit “I Passed Out” (by “That Damn Italian Food”)
Two shows only Saturday and Sunday. Reservation accepted or tickets will be available at the door.
Look for the “Duke Of Earl” Rhythm and Blues Review coming to a Range near you.
That is one funny post, you have outdone yourself, I will let you shoot "The Duke" again for that one.
Lets see now :rolleyes:

You Must be a Redneck - If you have your picture taken tuning a BR rifle with a hammer! :eek:

You Must be a Redneck - If you have posted on this thread :D

DAMM - I hope this does not mean I am a Redneck :eek:
I'll bring more MBP just incase there's any out break of red A--
I thought Calfee didn't like "FUNNY FOLKS"! Just think about it......I have heard some very good folks say there is just too much dissention between shooters this past year (IN shooters anyway) and they were pretty upset with anti-Calfee posters. But they apparently can't see that the folks that worship him just can't see the light either. I see it like this...You either love him or hate him for most folks, I'm undecided. I just say shoot and enjoy it. Then you can be funny at the range Danny. Craig you can back you up by laughing (the only one, because it's his gun) and if it isn't fun shooting for DJ then go to Borden and see how much fun it is to have 2 non-Calfee shooters finish 1-2 just 4 miles from Calfee's shop! I think then Bill C might tell you to tone it down. Enough said.:D

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Are you saying the fat lady already sang? Well give your barrel about 10000 rounds and you may be begging the fat lady to quit singing! You may in fact at that time be begging for anything! Barrels take around 8 weeks to deliver, not including fitting in to a busy schedule for very busy gunsmiths in the month of July, last I heard. They may be 16 months for delivery by that time. And the quality may not be near the same. I would limit my practice time and be very, very careful of how I take care of it.:D Otherwise God Bless America! We are very blessed to live here.

Only heard of two accounts of those 4 groove Ratchets needing re-barreled after a bit over 2 cases of ammo. Otherwise, only hearsay, but why rebarrel something that seems to be magical? They both thought of them to be excellent for the time that they used them. But they plain didn't last a normal life. That was the only other reason, other than cash this past year, that I didn't get one. They are like a former employer I had said.....a dog that shi!$ fast don't shi! long. Still wish I could have afforded one just to see. But the long-term investment just made me think when a couple shooters told me to think about rebarrelling after 2 years (with the amount of ammo I shoot in one). Otherwise I have, I'm guessing 15000 rounds, through my current barrel and I don't know if it has lost it's guilt edge but I can't tell much of anything since it is my first custom barrel. Time will tell, if it hasn't already. Just what I've heard and experienced Beau.

Dan Hepler,
I thought your post was a very good one! Well thought out and I enjoyed reading it. Glad to see Craig has yet another good shooting rifle too, because it's good to get one that works like it ought to. Hope y'all have a Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing Craig's new gun in the Spring, if not before.
Yeah, I heard a rumor last year that Benchmarks were good for about one case and then would be worn out. I don't know, they all use about the same type of steel.
Thanks Kent,
I’m glad some still enjoy a little comic relief. You might want to come to the barn in January to see Craig's gun. According to Carp it will be wore slap out by spring.

I worry about Chipper too, but not his guns. It's nice to know he owns something that shoots so Great and other people worry about it. Chipper, I hope you Danny and DJ have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear. Look forward to seeing you at the Barn or where ever.:p
Duke of Earl

Danny, it will be wore out quicker than that if he will let me clean it for him at the Barn in February or maybe I could clean on it in January when you guys visit us at the cabin. I've got the coolest threaded rattail file for getting all of that lead build up out the first time....It'll also fix any chambering issues at the same time if you get those unsightly lines on the lead bullet when you close the bolt on them.....Tell him I'll clean it at no charge.....anything to help out an old buddy....

Can't wait to see you guys and I'm ready to take another butt whuppin'. Like everyone else I can't get that song out of my mind now.....

Mike Sherrill
I use only the finest Egytian cotton patches and Wolfgang Füzion Estate Wax in the bore of "The Duke". That will hold the guilt edge in the barrel , and I dont know how long because I've never worn one out.
Only heard of two accounts of those 4 groove Ratchets needing re-barreled after a bit over 2 cases of ammo. Otherwise, only hearsay, but why rebarrel something that seems to be magical? They both thought of them to be excellent for the time that they used them. But they plain didn't last a normal life. That was the only other reason, other than cash this past year, that I didn't get one. They are like a former employer I had said.....a dog that shi!$ fast don't shi! long. Still wish I could have afforded one just to see. But the long-term investment just made me think when a couple shooters told me to think about rebarrelling after 2 years (with the amount of ammo I shoot in one). Otherwise I have, I'm guessing 15000 rounds, through my current barrel and I don't know if it has lost it's guilt edge but I can't tell much of anything since it is my first custom barrel. Time will tell, if it hasn't already. Just what I've heard and experienced Beau.

Carp, you may be right that the barrel only last for 10,000 or 15,000 rounds. But I would rather have a rifle that shoots like the duke of earl for 15,000 rounds than one that shoots like crap for 100,000 rounds. James
Carp, you may be right that the barrel only last for 10,000 or 15,000 rounds. But I would rather have a rifle that shoots like the duke of earl for 15,000 rounds than one that shoots like crap for 100,000 rounds. James

Like I said I wish I could have afforded one just to see! I think they are the best thing going as long as you order them to Calfee specs. Heck, I couldn't afford any rebarrel last season. I couldn't afford two rebarrels in four!

Thinking Back & Forward

I hear Jerry Graves has a new Davis 40X...
Now,I'm thinking back the last time he ran into Team Calfee's crew .....his old
Davis smithed rifle put a whoop on that team. Not just one member...the
whole team...they did have nice new Calfee golf shirts.
:) remenber ?