"THE BUFFALO"Midland,tx 8/29, 8/30 lv-hv,100, hv-lv,200,

Chism G

Active member
I've gotten several phone calls asking If I am going to the BUFFALO at Midland,Tx on 8/29 and 8/30.

I got chewed out for saying NO. That's what friends are for:D I have a Doctor's appointment that I can't change. Sorry.

I am going to miss another good GCR Match. Last time I was there,I shared a bench with Brit Robinson. If you know Brit Robinson,that's a whole nuther story. We both won a yardage.

I'll have to share that story.

Come on out and have a great time,with some great people. The Range is located at 4108 East County Rd 160,Midland,Tx. 79706

Contact; Mike Conry at 423-528-8718 or 432-683-1332

A big trip out there, and then to the Nationals is out of the question for me. I have to go to Corpus tomorrow and align bore the shaft line on a new boat, will get back Friday eavning.

A group of us Houston Shooters are going over to Austin and shoot Virgil's score match Sunday. I pre-loaded for it last night.
Midland Land of Wonder

Ok! I fess up. I am going to Midland to shoot the Buffalo. It is an exotic location filled with bizarre sights. There is that flat bed truck truck you just passed that was loaded with some gigantic piece of machinery out of a science fiction movie. There is the prehistoric wildlife: Big lizards, rattle snakes, Larry Baggett, Charles Hucabee, Mike Conry, scorpions, frogs, everything that grows with thorns and dirt, lots of dirt. Thank goodness I am traveling with Dickie Pustejovsky. He fits right in. Tim