Terrorist attack on China


Russell Childs
An obscure Muslim ethnic group has attacked a border patrol station in China, killing 16 policemen by ramming their dumptruck into the compound and throwing hand grenades. This just days before the Olympics.

Do they really want to tangle with China??:confused:
They will "tangle" with everyone

Yote, in the koran, all believers are instructed to conquer and convert all non-believers. You can read it for yourself. I think this explains the last 1500 years of islamic history.

best, nrb

...haven't heard of this??

We're treading water here on our rules I think Yote.

If they mess w/ the Olympics & China....watch out.

pm me if you want to kick this around.

Count me in on the PM. I would love to discuss it without being scolded.
An obscure Muslim ethnic group has attacked a border patrol station in China, killing 16 policemen by ramming their dumptruck into the compound and throwing hand grenades. This just days before the Olympics.

Do they really want to tangle with China??:confused:

It will be interesting to see what China will put up with, how they retaliate,and what they say to the people that tell them they handled it incorrectly. This should be good.
An obscure Muslim ethnic group has attacked a border patrol station in China, killing 16 policemen by ramming their dumptruck into the compound and throwing hand grenades. This just days before the Olympics.


It isn't exactly a terrorist group in the way we normally label them. There is a state in North-western China that's fighting for their independence, the same way Tibet is & for that manner, the same way the USSR dissolved into a number of ethnic states after glasnost.

I wonder if we would call them terrorists if they didn't coincidentally happen to be Muslims? A lot of you guys stateside certainly didn't consider that the Irish Republican Army were terrorists when they attacked civilians in Britain, so maybe it's a tad tough to describe an attack of the residents of that area against the subjugating police force as a terrorist attack.

Isn't ths the very reason why you defend your right to keep & bear arms?

Think you are slightly off target there John. The attackers are living in a province of China under Chinese law. They don't have a right to attack anyone for the purpose of gaining some kind of succession from China.
They are people living in China not in a seperate country.
The area was once controlled by Mongolia but is now recognised as part of China. The majority are Uighurs, Muslims who speak a language related to Turkish.
So by your thinking it would be ok for Queenslanders to attack New South Wales people to gain their independence from Australia.
The attackers are terrorists plain and simple because they are attacking and killing people that have no connection to them in anyway other than a target for their independence agenda. Terrorise the public until the Government gives you some concession. Standard operating procedures for terrorists.
As far as Tibet is concerned it has always been a province of China by international definition . Although Islam is not being shut down in China but Buddhisim is being shut down in Tibet so Tibet does have a genuine beef . You can blame idiots like the Dali Lama for just going along decade after decade thinking that China would just let them have independance one day . Just like Hong Kong thinking that the Brittish or UN will step in when the lease was over and hand them their independance .
Was never going to happen because Hong Kong was a business deal and the lease was up. Tiawan is the interesting one because they actually have some balls and they have operated as a seperate country , but I digress.
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Paul, that crossed my mind and if the mods think it needs to go I'll delete it myself. I look at it as more of a world event than political but will understand if they see it differently.

John, I didn't say it was a terrorist group, but a terrorist attack. That being said, I read several articles on this and a couple of them stated that the Uigurs indeed have been trained by al quada and the taliban. In my book, they just became another terrorist group with this stunt.

And yes, the IRA are terrorists.
If you are right....

Paul, that crossed my mind and if the mods think it needs to go I'll delete it myself. I look at it as more of a world event than political but will understand if they see it differently.

John, I didn't say it was a terrorist group, but a terrorist attack. That being said, I read several articles on this and a couple of them stated that the Uigurs indeed have been trained by al quada and the taliban. In my book, they just became another terrorist group with this stunt.

And yes, the IRA are terrorists.

....it would be nice to have China jump on board. I would think they (Muslim Terrorists) would be smart enough to leave the Olympics alone but they have no fear of death.

I'll read the paper when I get back...heading to the ranch to get a deer blind put up for Dad.

I still haven't heard or read anything on this but missed the news last night. If what you are saying is tied to what I think it is....the pimple may burst!!

Your call on the delete but thanks for bringing it to my attention. China's reaction will tell it all.....the Olympics MAY cause a delay in retaliation.

If deleted, PM me if you get any more details!!

It will be interesting to see what China will put up with, how they retaliate,and what they say to the people that tell them they handled it incorrectly. This should be good.

Chances are you'll never hear the truth. Communist/Socialist countries control the news. China has already put restrictions on how much Internet access news media from the free world will have while covering the Olympics. Quite frankly, China's reaction to this terrorist attack will have absolutely no effect on how we view them or how much we buy from them. They already defy what we stand for in regards to free trade, human rights, government controlled by the people, freedom of speech and most of all, their treatment of women. If their defiance to what we stand for doesn't effect the trade imbalance with them nothing will.
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Tangling with China

An obscure Muslim ethnic group has attacked a border patrol station in China, killing 16 policemen by ramming their dumptruck into the compound and throwing hand grenades. This just days before the Olympics.

Do they really want to tangle with China??:confused:

I haven't heard or am familiar with this incident but I can guarantee that terrorists won't survive in China for long.
I'm back...

....man, it is so HOT down here right now!! It had to have been way over 100 out at the ranch but got it done. Also have to take my boy to football practice in a bit. Soo ready for November!!

Anyway, if anyone comes up with a good follow up to this story I would appreciate seeing China's reaction. However, I agree w/ Vinny & how China will 'really' tell their side of the story. I'm super curious to what really happened.

I still say they will play it cool till the Olympics are over....too much $$$$ to scare off the spectators. They are all biz!!

Vinny and Paul...........

If they were to do to China that they did here, and England, and Spain, and everywhere else they have bombed, maimed, killed innocents, I don't think China will take it on the chin.

It could turn into one of those "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" deals between the world and China. I think nrb is right, they will tangle with anybody and their attacks know no boundaries. They can't take on the whole world though.

Here's a couple of links to the story.



If they were to do to China that they did here, and England, and Spain, and everywhere else they have bombed, maimed, killed innocents, I don't think China will take it on the chin.

It could turn into one of those "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" deals between the world and China. I think nrb is right, they will tangle with anybody and their attacks know no boundaries. They can't take on the whole world though.

Here's a couple of links to the story.



That article made me glad to be an American!!

...hope I see something on the news & in tomorrows paper....poor journalism if I don't. This is the only place I have heard of it thus far but I'm going watch the 5:00 news before football practice!!

17 dead China policemen!!?? Just WOW!!

That article made me glad to be an American!!

...hope I see something on the news & in tomorrows paper....poor journalism if I don't. This is the only place I have heard of it thus far but I'm going watch the 5:00 news before football practice!!

17 dead China policemen!!?? Just WOW!!


I'd suggest the reason you haven't heard of these terrorist attacks by the network or print media is because they don't want to shine a light on the voracity of these lunatics. The media wants to keep anything about terrorist attacks out of Americas living rooms. They have an agenda and downplaying terrorism supports that agenda.

I'd suggest the reason you haven't heard of these terrorist attacks by the network or print media is because they don't want to shine a light on the voracity of these lunatics. The media wants to keep anything about terrorist attacks out of Americas living rooms. They have an agenda and downplaying terrorism supports that agenda.

we're getting muddy....but I agree w/ your neocon theory:)

I missed the evening news but checked cnn & fox and got nothing....even on the ticker?? Will check paper tomorrow. If THIS gets no press, I'm gonna get a bit of the red butt!!

Football practiced SUCKED.....the hurricane Dolly skeeters are out in full force!!

I did my best to follow DS suggestion and not refer to a political party. Sorry to hear the skeeters are out. I live 200 yards from the Great South Bay the skeeters are so fierce they can pick you up and carry you away. Football is a great sport!!!!!!!!!
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Well I think that if ------ wants to attack -------- then they're entitled to it since in the year ---- they were ------ by the ------ troops and their rights were violated!!! THIS was definitely only for -----, for a foothold in the ------ markets of ------ and for political gain (OOOPS!! :eek: )

SORRY!! I guess if the moderators want to delete this thread because it's "political" then hey.............

What ever happened to being able to discuss gun rights, freedoms and ------- and ------??

Maybe this will become the "everybody agree to hold hands and sing Kumbaya" forum, this way there'll be absolutely NO CHANCE of stumbling into any patriotic or political waters....... :( NO CHANCE to rejoice in our Second Amendment Freedoms......

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! ( OOoooops........ :eek:)

Ohhh Yeahhh..... how 'bout them skeeters.... wooo-whooooo.....

The IRA were terrorists and admit it themselves. Who says they weren't?
Funny stuff there!!

Well I think that if ------ wants to attack -------- then they're entitled to it since in the year ---- they were ------ by the ------ troops and their rights were violated!!! THIS was definitely only for -----, for a foothold in the ------ markets of ------ and for political gain (OOOPS!! :eek: )

SORRY!! I guess if the moderators want to delete this thread because it's "political" then hey.............

What ever happened to being able to discuss gun rights, freedoms and ------- and ------??

Maybe this will become the "everybody agree to hold hands and sing Kumbaya" forum, this way there'll be absolutely NO CHANCE of stumbling into any patriotic or political waters....... :( NO CHANCE to rejoice in our Second Amendment Freedoms......

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! ( OOoooops........ :eek:)

Ohhh Yeahhh..... how 'bout them skeeters.... wooo-whooooo.....


Thanks AL!!