


My friend brought his original 1895 Winchester .30/06 that he'd inherited from his grandfather to the range and we shot it and he kept my target (4-1/2" group) and then returned it with his target (1" group) for comparison. Do you think he's pulling my leg? - nhk


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    My target.jpg
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  • His target.jpg
    His target.jpg
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Either yours, or one of his own.

He and I go back over 40 years and he did that as a gag gift (framed) for Christmas and went out of his way to make every glaring error possible. He said he never realized how hard stippling was to do by hand. I thought his notes were pretty funny. My target wasn't one I'd put on the refrigerator (and he knew it), but I'll claim senior vision was the reason. - nhk
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The problem is clearly that you were shooting Fusions when you should have been shooting those Hornady 200gr. at 3600fps. This is not a true comparison here. Rematch in the future?:)

It's great to have friends like this........
It's great to have friends like this........

Yep, it is.... with a hole punch or a nail ;-) When we did night fire in basic training the DI's gave us nails and said our targets better come back with twenty holes in them.

It was fun shooting that 1895 Winchester. The metal butt plate is brutal. - nhk
Ok Ill figure this is some kind of joke outside of that 3 things you should notice.

Forget about what the loads were.
Unless I am really missing something. The first target was 100 meters
second target claims 500 meters, if so why does it look like it has powder burns from close range and why do the holes look like they were made with a punch or cutter.
Third note there are no black marks or ragged edges like in MOST targets including the 100 yd/meter shown.

Also I dont know anyone alive that could shoot a group like that on a target that small with open buck horn sites at 500 meters OFFHAND.
Heck that target would be hard to see at 500 meters much less have any kind of realistic aiming point other than the whole entire target.

I think you have been had.
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Vern , I believe that the "burn" marks on the target are actually BUG residue carried into the target by the vortices from the EXTREME vel. "3700 fps" of the 200gr PSP's . I also believe that had the shooter used a 4x 15mm scope it would have reduced the 20 shot group by at least 10 magnitude possibly a TRUE .00001 group:cool:
I believe that the "burn" marks on the target are actually BUG residue carried into the target by the vortices from the EXTREME vel. "3700 fps" of the 200gr PSP's.

There was a swarm of locusts at our location on 9-32-11, almost obscured the target. - nhk
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I think Roger was being funny.
If not it would be hard to think that all of those bullets each hit a bug along with the fact that most all targets I look at have the same black rings. They are usually caused by carbon picked up by the bullet from carbon left from previous shots.
At the Austin TX 100rd BR Shoot in Oct 2011, we had small houseflies landing on the targets. Shooters were claiming their target had cross fire till we determinted what was going on. Before one matchs started one shooter (Robert R) looked down at his target and claim his target has a cross fire, and no shots had been fired. You never heard so many foul words bellowed out.... Flies in a 36-45x power scope looks like a 6mm bullet hole. That match was a real hoot..

I'm surprised the flies weren't recognized as flies at 100 yds at that power (mirage?), because I can determine that it's a fly at 16-18X and have been known to sacrifice a group in quest of "live game". One of my friends has a target hanging in his garage with a 360 degree bug splat around a bullet hole from an offending fly that he terminated. I've seen "bullet holes" move at 200 yds though. We shoot in an abandoned silage pit sometimes and have to "mow" a few weeds before we can put groups on paper. - nhk
"Our" eye site must have been going or those flys had molasses on their feet. They did not move for loooooong time. For some reason, those flys kept coming back and I seriously thought about making one of them a target. At our match every month, we now talk about those "fly". I was just too funny.

Fly target

My 'fly paper' target. I usually use it at 50 yds with a .22 LR, sometimes at 100 with my .223. I paste the graphic full size on a word doc page and print it. Try to hit 24/24. - nhk


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