Those of us who shoot service rifle and palma do not get anything but the one range flag. We shoot with the mirage. A good shooter can shott 1/2 moa at 600yrds with iron sights and a sling.
I have a pretty good idea about how Rail Guns work. I've got one and I've shot it in actual competition.
My hats off to Mirage readers. I prefer good wind flags, Sighter targets and a well tuned rifle. Its worked OK for me and my simple approach to Benchrest shooting.
Bring on the E-Flag development. Their introduction could make Mirage affects irrelevant in short range Benchrest.
I can't see how any type of wind flag can make the necessity to re-aim a bag gun irrelevant whether mirage was present or not.
Boyd Allen; If I remember correctly said:Well,now that makes two of us.If,in fact, Tony Boyer doesn't shoot Mirage. That's a real good reason to trust what your wind flags,E-flags, are telling ya.
Well,now that makes two of us.If,in fact, Tony Boyer doesn't shoot Mirage. That's a real good reason to trust what your wind flags,E-flags, are telling ya.
I can't see how any shooter can just ignore mirage. It interferes with your sight picture and at the very least you have to take measures to compensate for it. So every shooter shoots mirage even if they ignore the signatures that may help them shoot a smaller group.
Only my opinion, but based on my electric flag experiments, when you get burned bad by your flags you either were not looking at your neighbors for the incoming change or the close flags were not the same as before. Mirage is only readable at the target end of the range while its effect varies throughout the distance to the target.
Only as an incoming switch warning.