Super Shoot 2016

As most shooters that know me, know I like humor and maybe more than most.

But the post has gone to help the Kelbly's decide to hold UL at the Super Shoot to shooting pie. This does not help Jim one piece to know if the shooters want this to happen.

Just my two slices worth (pun intended)
I thought the part about holding the rail gun match was already decided in a positive manner. I thought we were just having some pie to celebrate...??
You must like the coconut pie, seeing as I seem to remember you wearing a couple of half shells during one of your crazy costume moments. ?
I thought the part about holding the rail gun match was already decided in a positive manner. I thought we were just having some pie to celebrate...����
You must like the coconut pie, seeing as I seem to remember you wearing a couple of half shells during one of your crazy costume moments. ��

Your right Larry, and by the way Carolyn made get rid of them as they were a bigger size than hers.
I thought the part about holding the rail gun match was already decided in a positive manner. I thought we were just having some pie to celebrate...����
You must like the coconut pie, seeing as I seem to remember you wearing a couple of half shells during one of your crazy costume moments. ��

Guys, I believe the Kelblys are quite able to sort out the rail gun requests from the requests from us Amish pie moochers. After all, weren't many of the earlier Super Shoots conducted with the rail gun being part of the event?

How does one line up a rail gun at Kelbly's Range?
The benches are line up 2 targets to the left.


Two benches off what did you drink the night before you went to our benches. I would bet 100.00 that our benches line up with the target closer than any other range you shoot at. What you need to do is be a left hander and set up on the other side of the bench at the ranges you think are better inline then our range. Our benches set up identically to a right hand shooter and left hand shooters. You have to remember that there are left hand people and if we did not have it straight on with target the left handers would really be screwed.

We have heard for years how off our benches are, and many people said they will prove it, but nobody has. So I bet 100.00 to prove our benches are off line with target frames. And everyone is shooting 100 or 200 yards at Kelbly's which is not true anywhere they do not have frames straight in front of bench. At some converge fire ranges you can be up to 7 - 8 % longer if on end of frame compared to center of frame. And then we get beat by.0001 in Grand. I think I would be more worried about this.

As far as Unlimited, most guys set up in center of bench or not very close too edge, so I do not see a problem here with unlimited rifles and it has been proven with all the unlimited matches that we have held here over last 45 years.

At this point if the unlimited match is added to Super Shoot it would be at earliest 2017 and would finish up on Saturday, Sunday after varmint match is shot, with unlimited starting at 200 yards so flags do not have to be changed from varmint match.

Oh yeah?
Then how do you explain cross fires?
Just asking, EH?

They did not verify bench and competitor number, just saying. Not to say I'll not make the mistake just have not yet, I am sure my time is coming. When I cross fire it will be my mistake, not the inanimate bench or the range.
Bill Greene
I thought bench and competitor number was how you lined up.

This is supposed to be the way to do it but you must have competitor numbers ON THE TARGET that is visible to the shooter. Unfortunately most all 200 yard targets, unless the light is really good on the target I can't read them.

Jim is right. Kelbly's is one of the better ranges in terms of bench/target alignment (go shoot Weikert).

As to seeing your competitor number at 200 yards, the range needs to print or write them as large as possible. Since the Supershoot is not a registered NBRSA match, Jim and team can do whatever they want.

With that said, I'm not sure I want to haul my Railgun to sunny Ohio if I can't have a chance to win a Hall of Fame point as in the group Nationals or shoot a world record. I always remember what Dwight told me, "...don't put any more rounds on a railgun barrel than you have too".

Nevertheless, I be there in May with my bag gun!

Lee, I really wish I had bought that rail gun you had for sale in the past. That maker isn't building them anymore.

This is supposed to be the way to do it but you must have competitor numbers ON THE TARGET that is visible to the shooter. Unfortunately most all 200 yard targets, unless the light is really good on the target I can't read them.


I agree Jerry, (gee, a person who uses his real name), but I believe the rule book addresses this problem, and I think it says that if you shoot the target on bench, (what ever you are on), the onus is on the target crew to make sure the correct target is on that target frame. We had an situation, quite a few years back where it was "NOT" in our rule book, despite repeated attempts to get it included, we had a competitor on bench 13, we will say, who shot, at 200yds, shot on bench 13 target frame but 112 target was in the frame and he was charged with a crossfire. It has since, been rectified in our rulebook.
I agree Jerry, (gee, a person who uses his real name), but I believe the rule book addresses this problem, and I think it says that if you shoot the target on bench, (what ever you are on), the onus is on the target crew to make sure the correct target is on that target frame. We had an situation, quite a few years back where it was "NOT" in our rule book, despite repeated attempts to get it included, we had a competitor on bench 13, we will say, who shot, at 200yds, shot on bench 13 target frame but 112 target was in the frame and he was charged with a crossfire. It has since, been rectified in our rulebook.

That is good to know, but on to a more important issue, who bought the duck last year? I need to start writing it on the wall.:p
That is good to know, but on to a more important issue, who bought the duck last year? I need to start writing it on the wall.:p

Don't know and don't care, buy the ducks and I will pay you for them, you cook, I pay, no big deal. Did I say that in "PUBLIC" and I will see if I can bring my wine over.
What would be wrong with just getting some Canada Geese. No exchange on the doooollar that way. I mean, you said you'd pay Dan. Just asking. Not causing trouble.

Now Francis, we all know you can't post anything without causing trouble. As far as the Canada goose, last time I tried to fix one my hands stank for two days, has to be a trick to fixing them, wish I knew how to fix them cause there are a lot of free meat walking around here.

Dan Honert