Super Shoot 2016

James A. Kelbly

New member
Firearms Industry Super Shoot 44 will be held May 25-28 2016. I just mailed out entry forms to last years competitors, if you do not receive one or were not here last year you can email me for a entry form at Also Comfort Inn in Wadsworth is offering a Super Shoot discount. Their phone number is 330-336-7692.

There is a rumor going around that we will add two days of Unlimited shooting to the Super Shoot format. This is only a rumor. I was asking shooters at NBRSA Nationals if they would be interested in us having a six day Super Shoot with Unlimited on Monday and Tuesday or Saturday and Sunday since Chippewa will not be holding Super Shoot warm up anymore. It is something I have been thinking about for several years. We have NO plans to add the Unlimited at this time. If you would like to comment on this, I would love to hear it, for or against. Please email or respond here as we are quite busy in shop to take phone calls on this subject.

I for one would like it since we would already be there and we hardly get any use out of the rail guns anymore.
I would recommend that it be done on Saturday and Sunday after the official Super Shoot match. That way those that don't want to participate can just go home after the "Super Shoot" and those wanting to shoot the rail guns can hang around. If you did it before the regular shoot, the bag gun only shooters would have to wait for the rail match to end and not have a chance to practice. I would also recommend that you do a 2 day match similar to IBS. One warmup and 5 groups for score per yardage.

I for one would like it since we would already be there and we hardly get any use out of the rail guns anymore.
I would recommend that it be done on Saturday and Sunday after the official Super Shoot match. That way those that don't want to participate can just go home after the "Super Shoot" and those wanting to shoot the rail guns can hang around. If you did it before the regular shoot, the bag gun only shooters would have to wait for the rail match to end and not have a chance to practice. I would also recommend that you do a 2 day match similar to IBS. One warmup and 5 groups for score per yardage.

I agree with this proposal.
Unlimited ar super shoot


I for one would like it since we would already be there and we hardly get any use out of the rail guns anymore.
I would recommend that it be done on Saturday and Sunday after the official Super Shoot match. That way those that don't want to participate can just go home after the "Super Shoot" and those wanting to shoot the rail guns can hang around. If you did it before the regular shoot, the bag gun only shooters would have to wait for the rail match to end and not have a chance to practice. I would also recommend that you do a 2 day match similar to IBS. One warmup and 5 groups for score per yardage.

I agree with what Larry proposes with one exception, we are still shooting bag guns on Saturday, so i guess that would move it to a Sunday, Monday unlimited. Maybe I'm missing something here:confused: = Welcome To The Golden Years.

Dan Honert
Rail Guns at Super Shoot

Jim I fully agree with Larry's proposal and I would love to participate! With two days dedicated to the RG we would either finish on Monday or start S.S. one day earlier, Tuesday instead of Wednesday?
Suggestion to Jim and the Super Shoot, please don't make the UL match a shoot till you die event. Five 10-shot targets is enough!

Suggestion to Jim and the Super Shoot, please don't make the UL match a shoot till you die event. Five 10-shot targets is enough!

Now that might be fun. Got my 2016 SS registration form today, all filled out and ready to go in the mail.
A couple of last wrinkles. I too suggest we start the super shoot on Tuesday then have the rail gun match on Saturday and Sunday. However I think we should start with 200 yards on Saturday and then do 100 yards on Sunday. That way the flags can stay in place and we can have the SS ceremony and not be setting flags.
Remember- hes already said hes not having it this year just seeing if everybody would want to. So dont drill a kelbly foot into your rail base just yet.
I'm all for having more opportunities to shoot the rail, especially now that I have one!

The rail guns would be completely separate from the Super Shoot, right?

Why not start the match on Monday? Ceremony/awards for the LV/HV Thursday afternoon, then start shooting the rail guns at 200 on Friday. Just a thought (I won't get butt hurt if you disagree) so tell me why this won't work.

I'm just asking. It seems that a lot of people come in over the weekend before the match anyway. This would allow the folks shooting just the LV and HV to leave after awards on Thursday and still allow those shooting Rail Guns to get on the road Saturday.
A lot of folks NOT shooting rail guns would want to practice on the day before the Super Shoot. Your method would have them cussing while the first part of the rail gun takes place. Not fair in my opinion to the folks that come just to shoot the Super Shoot and don't have a lot of time off.
How does one line up a rail gun at Kelbly's Range?
The benches are line up 2 targets to the left. You have to realign your tripod front rest. 2 feet on the extreme left edge of the bench. And one foot on the right. Rest feet.
Need to get Bob Scarborough JR out there with his transit. The benches at Holton Gun and Bow Club are line up almost dead N*ts. 100-200 I left my rifle there after 100y. went and grabbed my extra flags for 200y. Came back and looked where I had to move the first flag. I left 3 flags and moved #4 out and planted #5 at 150y. That had to be the easiest day setting flags.....Wow. :)