Super Bowl When ??

Doug Penttinen

I thought we were going to have a Super Bowl here in Arlington this Sunday...
From last last starting at about 11 till this morning we now have almost 7" of new snow over the ice we got the other dayhere in Dallas...:cool:

Don't worry the teams are from Green Bay and Pittsburg, they have seen snow before. They'll do just fine.
Is the rumor true that they won't have cheerleaders at the Super Bowl? :(
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I do not know the answer to that but I would hope they are part of the sidelines......

I'm not worried about the teams playing since it is indoors, I'm worried about the money that is NOT being spent in our great state due to not being able to get around .....
I do not know the answer to that but I would hope they are part of the sidelines......

I'm not worried about the teams playing since it is indoors, I'm worried about the money that is NOT being spent in our great state due to not being able to get around .....

Just think of all the generators being sold, Jackets, Hoodies, heaters, snowshovels, water jugs, snowblowers, candles, sand, salt, kerosene for heaters. You should have seen the stores around here the day before the "superhyped storm". My thoughts are that The Weather Channel has to oversensationalize at least one storm each winter to help sell the LL Bean Jackets that they are sponsered by.
My sister lives in Greenville, Tx. I guess they got it too. Guess I'd better give her a call. Well we had it all here in Virginia last year, gotta spread it around.
I'm about 12 miles from Greenville. Yes we have snow. My oldest Son and Family live in Chesapeake and it seems they have had a little snow there.
Butch, the Virginia coast usually doesn't have much snow, but they've had some this year. I just called my sister. They said their first winter in Greenville was lovely. Not so much right now. She mentioned the rolling blackouts as well. Those weather channel guys have been jumping around they had a hot poker ...........
Hey pbike

I have NO problem with the snow my friend. Give's me a great excuse to stoke up the fireplace, stay off the streets, make a big batch of TEXAS COWBOYS Chili, pop the top on some cold ones and STAY OFF the streets since the sanding crews and plows can't get to side streets... I LOVE the snow.....By the way I love the cold so much I even shot sporting clays in a super bowl charity event on Wednesday with it being 19 degrees not including the wind chill...

And for you Roger T from Minn you should be used to 7" of snow or better but somebody cant build a very good dome over their stadium...Down here we just build them bigger even though we still need to figure out how to put a team together.....
They sure do build 'em bigger, they also make the jumbotron 70 feet tall and forget that teams occasionally have to punt the ball away. I realize that opposing teams didn't do too much of that this year against the 'Boys and Jerry Jones would prefer if his team never punted, but still...

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I haven't posted anything here in years, I usually just read, but today I was moved.

Yes it big for sure.. I went to sevral games this last year and then went on a super bowl tour of the stadium.... The Jerry World Big Screen is 6 stories tall and weighs 600 tons. It has 2 cable lift/elevators that take 9 minutes to get from turf to inside the screen....Another fun fact is that you can put the statute of Liberty standing at the 50 yrd line and will not touch the top of dome...The sliding doors for the entrance on the west side are the largest panel sliding doors in the world.. If you stand in the center of the end zone the field has a 18" crown from sideline to center of field...Just in case we change the name of the stadium to Noah's Arch !!