Super Bowl Blues



Anybody besides me who doesn't give a hoot about Green Bay or Pittsburg and would rather spend this afternoon fiddling with guns?
The Super what? The kid & I are making a huge super bowl of cookie dough..

However, I will concede to watching the last couple of minutes so I am not the only one who doesnt know who wins/won tomorrow?

But till then, cookies and then bananna bread, then steak and salmon for supper... Yes I have been working with brass today too...

Vic that makes 2 of us but going one step further. I didnt watch a game all year... this year, last year or quite few years before that......
I was trying to watch and reload---BIG mistake.

Been at the range this afternoon too. Cleaning and Taking care of brass now while I listen to the game in the other room. What a work out walking down to the target frames in waist deep snow .. Nice and warm today, got into the mid 30's .. Sweatshirt weather.

Andy B
Personally I couldn't give a crap about professional football or just about any of the pro sports. I think the Professional sports racket is raping America.
Those guys should be out there serving their country.
I agree with goodgrouper. I would rather be doing than watching.
I've always hated the term "sports hero" They get a lot of money and most help no one but themselves.
The Heros are the ones serving in the military, the only time in ones life they are doing a job that is of no direct benefit to themselves.
ME! I went shooting instead. Couldn't care less about spectator sports. They're the biggest waste of time known to man. Life is too short to watch somebody else having all the fun!

I'm glad that I'm not the only person besides my wife that thinks like this.

I am sitting here trying to learn how to use this CAD software so that I can start making some scope rings at work. I can draw the part but can't get the dang thing to post up properly. But I will get it to work.
I'm in the garage cleaning a few handguns that i haven't shot in a couple of years, I'm using some very old Hoppe's, bought it from a dealer named Leslie Edelman's $3 and change for a quart, Man i love that smell, anyway came in the house and saw that half time was over so went back in the garage to fiddle around.
I thought the Super Bowl was a learning experience. During the half time show I learned that Texans have very poor taste in music, if you can call that crap music.:D

The Anthem was "sung" by Christina Aguilera who botched the words, but that gaffe was little noticed because it was nothing compared with her "rendition". "Replusive" and "insulting" is being too kind. The halftime show by the Black Eye Peas was, I've heard, even worse. We turned it off to watch a movie.

Plus one Glenn. I enjoyed the game as the Packers won. I didn't watch the halftime show, but my wife liked it.
Doesn't anybody sing the National Anthem the correct respected way with out all the yodeling and crap?
I watched it in my shop as I was maching parts for my son. MAKING BIG BUCKS!!
My mother always said "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". So I will keep the thought that it sounded more like a "regurgitation" than a "rendition" to myself !

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
It's sad that they OVERSOLD the seating. More GREED. If the Fire Marshal can't get through a couple inches of snow WELL what can HE do.
Years back, I remember Celine Dion doing the National Anthem and afiac, she set the standard by which all others are judged at SB anthem time. Lea Michelle was terrific, but then, she's Lea. Christina made me want to vomit. If she messed up the words, that's ok cause I had to turn it off.

The Pregame, commercials, halftime and postgame were more a propaganda campaign than they were a football program. The Nazis and North Koreans would be proud. Like, for the love of gawd, would you just let it be a football game already...

Thankfully the commercials were better than the insidious things they've had on during the playoffs. If i had to bear another hyundai commercial...