Suhl 150 action failing to extract



I just bought a Suhl 150. The gun shoots in the same hole if I do my part to read the wind properly. The problem is that it only extracts about 1/5 rounds. The barrel is a broughton with a coned breech. When I examined the bolt, it looked like the extractor on the bolt handle side is nice and sharp, but the extractor on the opposite side is a bit rounded. Are both extractors supposed to have sharp edges? Does anybody make replacement extractors for this action?

It probably has a tight match chamber and if you dont keep clean it may fail to pull shell clean it with a brush if that helps it may just need cleaned more often.
It probably has a tight match chamber and if you dont keep clean it may fail to pull shell clean it with a brush if that helps it may just need cleaned more often.

yes you are right. It does have a tight match chamber. It is chambered for Eley ammo. I did run a brush and scrubbed the throat and I completely disassembled the bolt and cleaned and oiled all plungers, moving parts, lugs, etc. When I take the bolt out of the action and place the rim of a round in the bolt face, the extractor grabs it well and holds on to it. I have to push it towards the bolt handle and it comes out. I think the problem is that the bolt does not reach the breech to grab on to the rim. I did notice that the bolt had a thin shim washer in it. Could this be it? Does the bolt have to be shimmed to reach the rim of the chambered round?
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Two things

Could be to little HS, and the other, is the springs on the extractors could be weak. Be very careful that you do not dry fiire this rifle with the coned beech. I'de take that shim out and try it that way.

The extractor on left should be sharp like right one just shorter ,If that cone has a dent from dry firing it wont pull or cone may not be cut sharp enough.
Could be to little HS, and the other, is the springs on the extractors could be weak. Be very careful that you do not dry fiire this rifle with the coned beech. I'de take that shim out and try it that way.

The rifle has not been dry fired. The rim on the cone looks perfect. The cone looks ok and it seems sharp. The springs on the extractors don't seem weak.
The extractor on left should be sharp like right one just shorter ,If that cone has a dent from dry firing it wont pull or cone may not be cut sharp enough.
The extractor on the left is not as sharp as the one on the right. Also no dent from dry firing. I haven't dry fired this gun.
If the bolt opens easily while leaving the case in the chamber then the cone wasn't cut small enough as RGorham said. If the bolt doesn't want to come rearward and you basically jerk the extractor off the rim then there is a chamber problem.

It's pretty easy to have the first problem as you really have to get close to the chamber mouth for the extractors to be able to grab the rim. You could probably pull a bullet from a case and push the empty case into the chamber and see if the back end of the cone is nearly the same size as the rim.
Former owner

Maybe the former owner dry fired it. Otherwise most of us can't answer your question if we can't see the problem first hand. You've been given some great information.
Both extractors don't have a hook shape to them, only the one on the right, the one on the left pushes the cartridge case agains the right one. Think about it, if they both had hooks the case couldn't be released. Sounds like whoever did the work didn't do it correctly, for whatever reason.
Both extractors don't have a hook shape to them, only the one on the right, the one on the left pushes the cartridge case agains the right one. Think about it, if they both had hooks the case couldn't be released. Sounds like whoever did the work didn't do it correctly, for whatever reason.

Kent is right, the extractor and the follower could be reversed, also.
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takdriver: I had the same problem with my suhl with a cone. I sure dont remember dry firing. but I got the bore scope out and there it was. I could not see it without the scope. ran the chamber iron through good as new
years ago

I bought a 40X RF rifle which had a coned barrel. I had the very same problem with the extractor not working. What I found was the cone was not deep enough of long enough, whichever the case may be so that the extractor was being pushed away from the case. I ground the front of the extractor to more closely match the shape of the cone and it worked flawlesly after that.
I have a Suhl, all factory, it will not extract wolf ammo, I have cleaned and tried with the same results. Does yours stick with all ammo or one spicific? If you only tried one manufacturer, try son\me others.

just my 2cents
My suhl does the same thing except

My Suhl fails to extract often but the funny thing is when I re-cycle the bolt it ejects the stuck shell 100% of the time- don't understand that one.
Brushing out the throat helps alot.